
Gable Tostee jury hears recording of Warriena Wright's scream during fatal fall

Warriena Wright's screams as she begged Gable Tostee to let her go were the last thing the New Zealand tourist uttered before she fell to her death, a court has heard.

Mr Tostee, 30, is on trial in the Brisbane Supreme Court after pleading not guilty to the 26-year-old's murder in the early hours of August 8, 2014.

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Gable Tostee's murder trial hears Warriena Wright had "no other means of escape" after he locked her on the balcony. Nine News

It is not alleged Mr Tostee threw or pushed Ms Wright but that he intimidated and threatened her so greatly she felt the only way to escape him was to climb down from his 14th floor balcony.

Ms Wright's final moments captured by an audio recording on Mr Tostee's mobile were played to the jury on Tuesday.

The court heard how the pair, who met on dating app Tinder, had been drinking in Mr Tostee's unit before a prolonged argument saw him restrain her.

"You're lucky I haven't chucked you off my balcony you goddamn psycho little bitch," Mr Tostee said.


"I'm gonna walk you out of this apartment just the way you are, you're not going to collect any belongings.

"If you try to pull anything I'll knock you out, I'll knock you the f--- out."

The Supreme Court was on Tuesday presented with photos of Gable Tostee and Warriena Wright taken on Mr Tostee's phone ...
The Supreme Court was on Tuesday presented with photos of Gable Tostee and Warriena Wright taken on Mr Tostee's phone the night Ms Wright died. Photo: Twitter/7 News

Ms Wright could then be heard hysterically screaming "no" over and over again as Mr Tostee locked her out on the balcony.

"I want to go home, I want to go home," she said.

Gable Tostee arrives at the Supreme Court followed closely by his mother in Brisbane on Tuesday.
Gable Tostee arrives at the Supreme Court followed closely by his mother in Brisbane on Tuesday. Photo: Glenn Hunt

About 15 seconds later the recording captured her scream as she fell trying to climb down to the balcony below.

Nick Casey, who was in the apartment two floors below Mr Tostee, told the court he had gone outside to investigate loud bangs like a weight being dropped when he saw Ms Wright climbing over the balustrade.

Mr Tostee and Ms Wright only met in person the night she fell from his high-rise balcony.
Mr Tostee and Ms Wright only met in person the night she fell from his high-rise balcony. Photo: Twitter/7 News

"I heard her say 'I want to go home', I heard her say 'help'," he said.

Mr Casey said he told Ms Wright, "you can't get down this way, go back in".

A photo of Mr Tostee and Ms Wright taken on Mr Tostee's phone.
A photo of Mr Tostee and Ms Wright taken on Mr Tostee's phone. Photo: Twitter/7 News

"It wasn't long after that she fell straight past where I was standing on the balcony, she ricocheted off a few balconies below," he said.

Ms Wright was found in the driveway by first responders.

She had been in Australia for a two-week vacation to attend a friend's wedding and had only met Mr Tostee in person that night after exchanging messages with him on Tinder.

Photos of legs dangling from the balcony taken during a police re-enactment have been among the exhibits shown to the jury.

The trial before Justice John Byrne continues.