Consultation period

25 May 2015 - 8:00 am To 13 July 2015 - 10:00 am

Disability Employment Framework – Round One


Disability Employment Framework

The Australian Government wants to get more people with disability into jobs. We see a future where people with disability, like other Australians, can enjoy the economic and social freedom work brings.

A new taskforce has been established to review the entire disability employment system and develop a National Disability Employment Framework to boost employment rates for people with disability.

The Taskforce is leading a national public consultation to better understand what is and is not working in the current service system and find ways to improve on this approach.

We want to hear from people with disability, their families and carers, service providers, employers and peak bodies to explore ways to improve disability employment in Australia.

The Issues Paper outlines what the Australian Government is currently doing to help people with disability find and keep jobs. It also poses questions to encourage discussion.

We are interested in your views on nine specific topic areas:

  • Workforce Participation of People with Disability
  • Different needs of People with Disability
  • Principles for Changes to Disability Employment Services
  • National Disability Insurance Scheme
  • Personal Helpers and Mentors
  • Australian Disability Enterprises
  • Disability Employment Services
  • Job Services Australia
  • Support for Employers.

Join the discussion by making a submission or view the dates of public forums.

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