Anonymous email threatens students at Berkeley school after Sacramento rally tied to local teacher

A police cruiser was parked outside Martin Luther King. Jr. Middle School on Monday. Photo: Emilie Raguso

A police cruiser was parked outside Martin Luther King. Jr. Middle School on Monday. Photo: Emilie Raguso

Local and federal authorities investigated threats Monday targeting youth at a North Berkeley middle school by a group that demanded the termination of a teacher who protested against a neo-Nazi rally in Sacramento over the weekend.

The rally Sunday made national headlines due to violent clashes between the white supremacists who took out a permit to rally at the state capitol and the counter-protesters who showed up to confront them. According to some news reports, members of the counter-protest appear to have initiated the violence. The LA Times reported that seven people were stabbed and 10 hospitalized.

Read Berkeleyside’s July update.

One of the people who took responsibility for helping organize the counter-protest was Yvette Felarca, a teacher at North Berkeley’s Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School, at 1781 Rose St. Felarca is an organizer with the activist group By Any Means Necessary, which helped lead a series of Black Lives Matter protests in Berkeley in December 2014.

Parents of day campers were told Monday morning that one of the counter-protesters from Sacramento had been linked to the Berkeley school where the camps were located. The public outing had prompted an influx of emails to the principal demanding that the teacher be fired.

Felarca (right) was among the leaders of the December 2014 Black Lives Matter protests in Berkeley. Photo: Emilie Raguso

Felarca (right) was among the leaders of the December 2014 Black Lives Matter protests in Berkeley. Photo: Emilie Raguso

The Berkeley Unified School District confirmed, in a prepared statement at 5:40 p.m., it had been informed Monday morning that a King teacher had been involved with the protest in Sacramento.

“Since that incident, the school and principal have received calls and emails from parents and community members. One anonymous email in particular threatened that if certain actions were not taken against the teacher within the week, someone would come to King with the intent to harm students,” according to the statement. “The FBI has reviewed the email in question and has determined that by their criteria it should be considered a low level threat.”

The statement continued: “Meanwhile, the Berkeley PD has said that they are taking this threat seriously. They have increased their patrols around our schools and are assigning an officer to King. We have sent security staff to King, and we have moved two outside user groups who are renting space for summer programs to other locations. We do not have any BUSD programs at King at this time.”

BUSD Superintendent Donald Evans said, according to the statement, that the district would do “whatever is necessary” to protect students and staff, and “continue to work closely with law enforcement to monitor this situation.”

Someone using the name Ann Smith has been criticizing Felarca on Twitter as part of the campaign to have the Berkeley teacher fired.

Someone using the name Ann Smith has been criticizing Felarca on Twitter as part of the campaign to have the Berkeley teacher fired.

One parent told Berkeleyside he had been told by a camp leader that individuals tied to the right-wing group “involved in the brawl at the state capitol yesterday figured out that one of the counter protesters was a teacher at King. They then flooded the principal with e-mails demanding that the teacher be fired, and there was at least one credible threat of violence (a shooting) at the campus if the demand was not met. Police and security were on site at King, our camp had been offered indoor space at the school, and the district is looking for alternate sites.” 

Another parent told Berkeleyside on Monday morning that “all the kids are to be moved inside because a King teacher was involved in yesterday’s protest in Sacramento and was subsequently threatened. Someone evidently claimed they were going to shoot up King because of the teacher’s participation in the Neo Nazi counter-protest.”

An unattended Berkeley Police cruiser was parked outside the school Monday afternoon. The Berkeley Police Department and school principal referred Berkeleyside to the Berkeley Unified School District for comment.

Some of the comments Felarca made to the media Sunday were posted online. (See one of those videos below.) It was unclear as of publication time exactly how she had been linked to the Berkeley middle school.

Reached by phone Monday, Felarca said the threats were outrageous. But she said they were evidence of the true character of the individuals and groups making them.

“I am disgusted and condemn these attacks on myself and the children, the faculty and staff at my school,” she said. “I hold Donald Trump responsible for this. His politics of racist demagoguery and hate is inciting these vile threats of violence, even against children. It exposes why Trump and his racist, Nazi, and KKK supporters need to be defeated — and it shows us what Donald Trump’s vision for America really is.”

Teachers and students are now on summer break. The last day of the semester was Friday, June 17.

Petition to fire Berkeley teacher garners 500 signatures (07.14.16)

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  • Siobhan

    I believe many of the commenters are not from Berkeley, but those with an Axe to grind with Ms. Felarca.

  • lspanker

    So what?

  • Ezra Pound

    Yvette Felarca has confessed on camera to committing multiple felonies. Why hasn’t she been arrested yet?

  • Paul-Kealoha Blake

    i am looking at the same footage you are? “A man who refuses to fight?” This individual walked aggressively at least 50 yards to provoke a group of people. He made that walk ARMED with a 5 foot pole. He made those choices… and reaped the consequences. He was a classic provocateur, both in demeanor and action, perhaps even on payroll. Regarding identifying a “hysterical” woman. One hardly needs to be a Commissioner to recognize purposeful provocation by a Nazi sympathizer. I suggest a different clip for your defense of this provocateur. I have watched and reviewed it numerous times and I am now checking it against other actions to see if he shows up in other actions … in the same role. It has happened before. Thank you for the recognition as a member of the Berkeley Mental Health Commission. It explains a lot? In my role as a Commissioner I have encouraged and sought feedback from my community members. It seems that many with negative feedback have found a safe and anonymous haven here in the Berkeleyside comments. I did not and do not seek anonymity regarding my role in community dialogue. I did not mention my role on that Commission in respect of the Commission which has taken me to task more than once for mentioning my role publicly. You can mention it… apparently I can’t. thank you for the service.

  • Ezra Pound

    Because this is America.

  • everybody knows

    I have a kid in Berkeley public schools. Think I want them in a potential hate group target zone? Think again. Think I want them encouraging my kid to get involved in violent protest? Think I want them brainwashing my kid with politics? Think again!

  • Ezra Pound

    Will you be so bold to advocate criminal violence when we have a Trump leadership controlling the country?

  • everybody knows

    And so straw men made of sand fall into the sea, eventually.

  • southberkeleyres

    The teacher punched someone she disagreed with. She seems to be full of hyperbole as well. I’m not advocating nazis or Trump at all. Is it surprising that Berkeley High students mob and riot, steal golf carts from Civic Center Park, on and on.

  • Alan Acacia

    You slander the president. Might as well sat the Mayer Bates would hire her. Might as well say that Scott Lance would hire her.
    Look, I’m appalled by BAMN. I think she should be arrested. But it infuriates me that you can put out loose talk that President Obama would hire her. I’m ashamed that lspanker liked your comment. You two seem to believe that no exaggeration is too outrageous.

  • beetsville

    LEGAL FACT: The 5 vicious thugs were stabbed in self defense.

  • voxhumana

    She clearly hit the other guy.

  • anposter

    Please don’t hurt my family.

  • lspanker

    You slander the president.

    Given that our President has shown his incompetence in the field of race relations, and winds up bringing race-baiting ideologues like Eric Holder into his administration, Scott’s comment is perfectly valid.

  • lspanker


    A series of violent clashes this weekend involving neo-Nazis permitted
    to rally at the state Capitol was initiated not by the white nationalist group but by counter-protesters
    , a law enforcement official said Monday.

    “If I had to say who started it and who didn’t, I’d say the permitted group didn’t start it,” said California Highway Patrol officer George Granada, a spokesman for its Protective Services division. “They came onto the grounds and were met almost instantly with a group of protesters there not to talk.”

  • beetsville

    FACT; No one made anonymous threats to children.

  • beetsville

    FACT: There were no threats.

  • Hey

    What is the deal with these know-nothing post out of thin air.. Some guy just pops in with a weird “I know all” attitude, telling people that things didn’t happen the way they clearly did. Is this normal for CA???

  • Alan Acacia

    ‘They are backed by George Soros… By Loretta Lynch and even by Barak (yes, he’s a communist. duh) .”–Hey

    Tell me, lspanker,why did you ‘like’ Hey’s comment? Do you agree that President Obama is a communist (duh)? Can’t you see how this undermines your credibility?
    Let me remind you of statements you made in different comments in this story:
    “Sources and cites to support your accusation, please.”–lspanker
    “… tell me what I have said that is factually incorrect”–lspanker

  • Pietro Gambadilegno

    I think Felarca’s violence is ugly. I don’t think that condemning violence is ugly.

    Somehow, you can’t admit the reality that Falarca was not “exercising her rights.” She was committing assault, as shown very clearly in the video.

  • Pietro Gambadilegno

    Wake up. People have posted the video several times in these comments. Just scroll down until you see it.

  • Pietro Gambadilegno

    She was leading a mob. They jumped him at the same time she was hitting him.

    This was after he ran away from the attackers and was no longer threatening them. They assaulted him, threw him to the ground, and started kicking him, at a time when he was not threatening violence.

  • Pietro Gambadilegno

    Communists have also inflicted groundbreaking levels of violence on humanity.

    If a small group of 30 communists were holding a rally in Sacramento, with a permit, would you say that it is okay for a mob of 400 to attack them physically, push them to the ground and stomp on them, because Stalin and Mao inflicted violence on humanity?

  • Alan Acacia

    So, you also can see President Obama wanting to appoint Yvette Balarca to his cabinet? Eric Holder and Yvette Balarca share the same political philosophy?
    What next? Obama is gay? A Muslim? Secretly a trans-gendered woman?

  • Adele

    I agree, violence is ugly. And Felarca’s actions (she clearly hits him) make her no better than the ugly people she was condemning. Whether we like it or not (and we don’t) that ugly group had a right to spew those ugly words… it’s called the First Amendment. We shouldn’t hit, we should educate. Does Felarca hit students in her class that she disagrees with?

    Oh, and btw, my kids go to that “local school.” Ms. Felarca’s actions were unacceptable!

  • Inez I.

    Step aside from the hyperbole voiced here and look at the following: the urge to voice anger and disgust at self described white power and fascist fools is positive. Jumping on them and hitting people unprovoked is arguably wrong and a really poor tactic for getting your point across. Reading the news reporting and watching video of this mess it seems that most of the folks who turned out to protest the fascists were young, and most likely had genuine fear and anger over the TW group’s horrible and hatefilled message. I think the immediate problem within the counter demonstration was with BAMN, who are a front group for a Trotsky group out of MI called Revolutionary Workers League. There is years worth of journalism and reporting on this front group taking over and controlling community groups and organizations going back to the late 1990s. Google is your friend in reading about this connection and articles in everything from E Bay Ex to Mother Jones and teacher’s union journals. They have taken over and destroyed progressive, left and community groups. Let’s call it what it is; it’s not a left politics problem or action, it’s a hijacking by a group of sectarian violent false extremist ‘leaders’.

  • gordon hoyt

    Her rights to violate others civil rights and to assault another person. Are you insane? Either you an insane un-progressive liberal wacko or realy, realy stupid. I don’t think you are stupid. My Great grandmother was the 1st female mayor of Berkeley in the 1940s and she would roll over in her grave to see this kind of Marxist crap being accepted. Ohm, and her name was Carrie Hoyt. We have a long history in Berkeley and I look upon it as a cesspool now.

  • gordon hoyt

    It’s on film!

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  • emraguso

    It’s been a lively discussion here, and many views have been expressed. We are turning off the comments now.