Contact bookslut

Bookslut was founded in 2002 by Jessa Crispin. Today it is run by Crispin and managing editor Ashley Patronyak.

The philosophy behind Bookslut is one of pleasure and one of expansion. Rather that niche out into various genres, a Bookslut reads without devotion to nationality, gender, medium, or bookstore subsection. We devote ourselves to omnivorous reading.

But being a slut has never meant having no standards. Our coverage is selective, but that is based on excellence rather than what is traditionally thought of as being important. Certain writers and publishers have our hearts, as we find excellence is today found mostly in the realm of small presses, academic publishers, and other places where profit margins are not part of the conversation.

In 2013, Bookslut launched her sister publication, Spolia. It is a reader-supported literary magazine, where all proceeds are split evenly between the writers. It is edited by Jessa Crispin and Corinna Pichl.

Submitting Books for Review

Book publicists, agents, editors, and publishers are welcome to e-mail Ashley Patronyak about a title three to four months in advance of publication. We are unable to consider self-published material. Because of the high volume of submissions we receive, we are only able to respond to those inquiries in which we are interested. Please familiarize yourself with the kinds of books we do and do not review. If you have not heard back from us four weeks after e-mailing, you may assume that we have passed. Unsolicited submissions of galleys or finished copies of books will not be considered or returned.

If you are wishing to send a book to editor-in-chief Jessa Crispin, please e-mail her for contact information.

If you encounter any problems with our website, please contact Jessa.


If interested in becoming a contributor, please send a writing sample to our Managing Editor Ashley Patronyak.

Tarot Readings

If you are looking for information about Bookslut editor Jessa Crispin's tarot card readings and consultations for writers and creatives, you can find the information here.