The Competition and Consumer Act

The Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (which replaced the Trade Practices Act 1974 on 1 January 2011) aims to give businesses a fair and competitive operating environment.

It covers anti-competitive conduct, price fixing, unconscionable conduct and other issues, such as advertising.

The Act also sets out consumers' rights and responsibilities. It covers areas such as returns, refunds, warranties, contracts, marketing and advertising.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) administers the Act. Learn more about small business and the Competition and Consumer Act.

Australian Consumer Law

Every Australian business has the same rights and responsibilities under the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) (contained in a schedule to the Competition and Consumer Act). Complete the small business self-assessment checklist (PDF, 1.69MB) to ensure you meet your obligations under the ACL.

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Last reviewed
August 9, 2016


General enquiries 13 QGOV (13 74 68)

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