Jeff Gauvin


Political Aficionado & Malfaisant. Art of War Wonk. Red Wine Bon Vivant. Hard Core Investor. Polls, Econometric Data, Elections, History.

Electoral College
Na Twitteri od máj 2009

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    Electoral College update from 's superb team of political scientists

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    U.S. Kept Up Pace of Hiring in March, Adding 215,000 Jobs

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    Very important to remember: if Trump were to win 56% across the board in NY, he'd get 89 of 95 delegates.

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    Rises 16% In Q1 - Best Quarter In 30 Years

  5. Retweetnuté

    I said it, now his suporters are saying it too. Trump looks more interested to market himself and his products/businesses than US presidency

  6. Retweetnuté

    US dollar gains after strong US jobs, factory data via

  7. Retweetnuté

    At first glance I thought this must be a ... My Bad!

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    Obama's popularity in Gallup daily tracker holding at 53%--highest in years. I told you why last week.

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    Soda Consumption Falls to 30-Year Low In The U.S.

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    Daniel Henninger breaks new ground in WSJ op-Ed delusion today. And no I won't link. He blames Obama for GOP self-destruction

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    Sad. Spent a substantial portion of my fellowship money -- and time -- there.

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    U.S. coal production in most recent week down 37.8% from year-before. Year to date, production off 30.8%. Coal states better start planning

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    George Mason renaming school of law after. . . Scalia.

  14. Retweetnuté

    Per WaPo poll, Clinton is 50% more popular than Trump, 33% more popular than Cruz. But you'll still hear "equally unpopular" narrative

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    7 years of governing against all odds. An economy rebounding & the public starting to trust. Then comes Bernie who blows it all up.Fuck him

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    Turkish president's security detail assaulted reporters and protesters in Washington, D.C.

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    Democratic National Race: Clinton 54% Sanders 36% Clinton leads within every gender, race, and age group except younger voters.

  18. Retweetnuté

    La Corée du Nord tire un nouveau missile et brouille les GPS du Sud, selon Séoul

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    JUST IN: FCC approves Internet subsidies for millions of poor Americans

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