- published: 23 Sep 2016
- views: 87492
The USMLE Step 1 (more commonly just Step 1 or colloquially, The Boards) is the first part of the United States Medical Licensing Examination. It assesses whether medical school students or graduates can apply important concepts of the sciences fundamental to the practice of medicine. US medical students, as well as Canadian medical students who wish to seek licensure in the US, typically take Step 1 at the end of the second year of medical school. Graduates of international medical schools (i.e., those outside the US or Canada) must also take Step 1 if they want to practice in the US. Graduates from international medical schools must apply through ECFMG, and the registration fee is $850. For 2015, the NBME registration fee for the test is $590, with additional charges for applicants who choose a testing region outside the United States or Canada.
The exam is an eight-hour computer-based test taken in a single-day, composed of seven 44-question sections with a total of 308 multiple-choice questions. One hour is provided for each section, allotting an average of a minute and eighteen seconds to answer each question. Between test sections, the test taker is allotted a cumulative 45 minutes (during the test day) for personal breaks. (There is a 15-minute tutorial at the beginning of the exam, which the test-taker can choose to skip and have that time added to break time.) If the taker finishes any section before the allotted one hour time limit, the unused time is added to the break time total. The test is administered at any of several Prometric computer testing sites.
Step 1
USMLE Step 1: 5 Ways to Score 240+
How to Study for USMLE Step 1
Bob D. - AA Speaker - "Powerless over alcohol and Step 1 of Alcoholism Recovery" (Part 1 of 5)
How To Study For Step 1
The First Steps to Success; USMLE Step 1
USMLE Step 1 | How to Study for Tests
Medschool Monarchess: How I studied for Step 1
Step 1 of the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous ★★★★★
MY PLAN TO SCORE A 240 ON STEP 1! (How to study for USMLE Step 1)
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Thanks for stopping by! Due to popular demand, I created this video to give some advice on how to tackle the USMLE Step 1. ***SIDE NOTE*** The Anki software itself is FREE - it is just the decks that people sell! Link to my free Audio Notes of First Aid (Sub if you download them ;)): https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id;=0B_L0S5bjvN4tc29XenBnaUZSWUk Where I bought my Anki deck of premade flashcards: https://www.yousmle.com Checking my USMLE Step 1 Results: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDqKOT442cY Like my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SMTV-1012692752124875 Follow my Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRealSMTV I usually make funny videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ld5zxS7qBCo
How to Study for USMLE Step 1 Links to products mentioned in video: 1) First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 http://amzn.to/1gghV1n (2015) http://amzn.to/1ik8Cza (2016) 2) Pathoma - Fundamentals of Pathology http://amzn.to/1NuvbOt 3) First Aid Q&A; for the USMLE Step 1 http://amzn.to/1O6ivxh 4) First Aid Cases for the USMLE Step 1 http://amzn.to/1Nuv7OS 5) Kaplan USMLE Step 1 Qbook http://amzn.to/1O6ixVT 6) USMLE Step 1 Secrets http://amzn.to/1O6izND 7) USMLE Step 1 (Deja Review) http://amzn.to/1O6iAkG 8) First Aid Basic Sciences http://amzn.to/1ik8XSx 9) Repeated USMLE Questions http://amzn.to/1Nuvhpe 10) Crush Step 1 http://amzn.to/1KgqGEA 11) First Aid for the Wards http://amzn.to/1NtQS1i 12) USMLE Step 2 CK Lecture Notes (PDFs I Mentioned) http://amzn.to/1VRGnGr 13) USMLE Step...
My favorite AA speaker, Bob D. delivers THE BEST AA speaker tapes I have ever listened to in this amazing workshop. :) Click here for the next session: http://youtu.be/CIEG7vdeDgY Also, you can listen to the entire workshop at this link: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuSJRom1_4kDm2Rga13qROhKyYEvuEmSo From the book Alcoholics Anonymous: "In spite of the great increase in the size and span of this Fellowship, at its core it remains simple and personal. Each day, somewhere in the world, recovery begins when one alcoholic talks with another alcoholic, sharing experience, strength, and hope." You can also follow us on social media at: Twitter- http://www.twitter.com/odomtology Facebook- http://www.facebook.com/odomtology Pinterest- http://www.pinterest.com/odomtology Please share...
Todays interview is with third year medical student Tyler Brobst. Tyler tells us all about Step 1 of the USMLE exam. He answers questions about how to study for step 1, what the best study materials for step 1 are, how he studied, and test day strategies for step 1. Enjoy! http://AndreaTooley.com Instagram: http://instagram.com/adoctorinthehouse Tyler's Instagram: http://instagram.com/tbrobst
☺Jane and Jady ☺INSTAGRAM @janeandjady @tuphamous @janejanethechoochootrain @rumithemaltipoo ☺JANE'S CHANNEL https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaAijHJ8poSkvKsq5IfSi6A ☺JADY'S CHANNEL https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ2LxzyOkkDnxr5B_AppMcg ☺WATCH OUR OTHER VLOGS How to get into medical school: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmztQuAN2W4 How to apply to medical school: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujgeU5UrJu8 What 1st year of medical school is like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLrlHAqvcbA Study tips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOg7ZppfTpo Time management tips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpJRKJjQdow
Here's my Step 1 study breakdown! I scored between a 240-245, but be advised to take my advice at your own risk! I don't claim that this method will work for everyone! The 2 week CBSE Cram schedule: http://medschool-monarchess.tumblr.com/post/142214497755/im-planning-something-really-ambitious Step 1 Study Schedule: http://medschool-monarchess.tumblr.com/post/142959850600/step-1-study-schedule Here is the 4 week Calendar: http://medschool-monarchess.tumblr.com/post/143146222170/okay-here-is-a-version-of-my-step-1-study Step 1 Studying in Review: http://medschool-monarchess.tumblr.com/post/147414427460/step-1-study-schedule --------- Social Media: Twitter: McSexyMD Instagram: DehraMcGuire Blog: medschool-monarchess.tumblr.com
http://facebook.com/sobrietytelevision Watch step 1 of the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous ... Step 1 is, "We admitted we were powerless over our addiction - that our lives had become unmanageable." Please share this video with friends in recovery and those who could benefit from addiction recovery. A great video for use with Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous groups as well as addiction treatment centers. Comments are welcome.
I started studying two weeks ago, but just barely got a few minutes to get this posted. This is my Step 1 study schedule with the resources I will be using for the test. Hopefully this will help spark some ideas in anyone that needs some help making their schedule. At the end of my video I have a nice screenshot of my daily schedule my subject so you can pause the video and see what subject I will be studying each day. SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL FOR AN UPDATE VIDEO AFTER MY TEST TO FIND OUT WHAT TIPS AND TRICKS I LEARNED WHILE STUDYING FOR STEP 1! My resources are 1. First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 2. UWORLD Question Bank 3. USMLE-RX 4. Pathoma. Sorry that my ideas were a little scattered, I didn't have much time to edit; studying is more important right now! Please SUBSCRIBE to my channe...
Review about Giovanni Cosmetics - Purifying Body Bar Step 1 5 oz (Pack of 5) Hello, this is LogiReview a generative user- content summary of real user experience, in one short video is the easiest way to give an insight. This video composition will look at the structure that should be used when giving a presentation. When the customer published their review, We use them to generate computer audio voice track and put both together. The production of the video with this *advanced* generative methods that gives you the possibility to sit back and enjoy! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us: customerservicelogirev@gmail.com
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A point that I forgot to mention in this video: For Pathology, I had watched the 'Pathoma' videos instead of the Kaplan videos and I personally felt that those were much more helpful for my preparation for pathology! Don't forget to hit the LIKE button and SUBSCRIBE! :) Please let me know in the comments bar below about your suggestions for the upcoming videos!
Full Body: Cardio Equipment: Step (optional) Utilizing the step, this workout will burn a ton of calories and get you in amazing shape! If your goal is to burn body fat, you don't want to miss this workout! Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced levels in each workout.
AA Speaker Sandy B. of Washington, DC speaking at the Saturday Morning Live Group in Washington, (Study Guide “Step 1) 1st of 12 tapes To see a complete list of Sandy B. visit: http://aa-speakers.com/the-best-of-aa-speaker-sandy-b/ One can now listen to the Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book from front to back, or by choosing a Chapter. Or pick from one of many of the favorite parts we have singled out on our website. Like Page 86 & 87, the 3rd & 7th Step Prayers, How it Works and more! These are all from the 1st edition of the Big Book as it has no Copyright Although nothing has change except for a couple words and the page numbers. Enjoy! Visit http://aa-speakers.com/aa-big-book/ One can find the complete list of the world famous Joe and Charlie Big Book Study tapes in the list they are i...
Review of the most common types of questions commonly seen on STEP 1. Review the teaching videos from Dallas for more in depth explanation. These are the minimum basics, there is more material that is fair game for the test, but you can "hold your own" with this material
http://www.usmlesuccess.net An in-depth look at our unique, highly powerful USMLE Step 1 preparation strategy.. This strategy has helped us achieve nearly 100% student pass rates on the USMLE exams. FREE Step 1 BIBLES http://www.usmlesuccess.net/free-bible-download-page
Sample video from Boards and Beyond. Vaughan Williams classification; Adenosine; Atropine; Digoxin. More like this at www.boardsbeyond.com.
Lol sorry about the video thumbnail. It was one of the default ones YouTube offered me so I just kept it b/c it looked funny
In my head I'm a 1000 miles away,
but when I open up my eyes again,
I see I'm still stuck here with this.
There's too much of nothing here for me,
I'm sure I need to get away,
you can come with me if you fell the same.
We could find a world we've never known,
We could find a world beyond our own,
and take the first step out of here.
Well I know that there's no guarantee,
and there's a time and a place for everything,
still no one knows what tomorrow brings.
When everyone you know has plans,
the time has come to break the chain.
Now's the time to act, so if you've had enough.
Leave this place behind, it will only hold you back.
Now I figured out my destiny and I'm not sure,
I like what I see,the man I once thought I could be,
Is suppressed by my restrictions,
and my responsibilities, someday soon I know I'll be free.
The promises you made yourself,
they can't be reached they fade away.
Now's the time to act, so if you've had enough.