William Osborne and Abbie Conant

Recent News and Featured Links

We've completed a video production of our work Pond.

Click here for the video, history, older audio recordings, and analysis.

Couse Pasture Application Form for the National Register of Historic Places 

(This application was prepared by the Town of Taos probably in 2008.)


See our new video, trailer, and slide show for

Street Scene for the Last Mad Soprano.

Click here for details.


We now have a demo video and gallery for 

our new music theater work Aletheia. 

Click here for details.


jessica-cropped.JPG (130129 Byte)Dr. Jessica D. Butler has completed her dissertation about our music theater work and has been awarded a Doctorate of Musical Arts degree by the University of Iowa. 

Jesús Fernando Lloret González

a professor at the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Málaga, has completed his dissertation about our music theater and multimedia work and has been awarded his Ph.D.

hair-cropped.jpg (140203 Byte)We have completed a video of 

Miriam, Part II: The Chair

as part of Abbie's sabbatical 2010-11.



The webpage for our Taos studio 

is now completed.  See photos, and listings for the 11 salons we have presented.


red.JPG (154909 Byte)The complete video of 

Music for the End of Time 

is now on-line, along with the score.


stats-image.jpg (6014 Byte)This site had 134,606 visitors from February 1, 2012 to January 31, 2013.  Our site averaged 382 unique visitors per day, or 11,217 per month  for the year.