Subscribe to WN's RSS feeds!
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is an XML-based format for content distribution. offers several RSS feeds for use in news readers and Web logs (blogs). These feeds include headlines, summaries and links back to for the article and related news.
To view one of the WN feeds in your RSS Aggregator:
Copy the URL/shortcut that corresponds to the topic that interests you. Paste the URL into your reader.
What are the benefits of using RSS?
RSS is an easy way for you to review updates from all of your favorite Web sites and blogs without having to visit each site. Using an RSS reader, you subscribe to a feed, then scan headlines. If you find an article that interests you, simply click on the headline to read the complete article. RSS readers collect feeds into one place that you can manage.
Training - making you own feeds
It is possible to create your own feeds. The first step is to choose a search term: