- published: 18 Sep 2016
- views: 982
An ectotherm, from the Greek εκτός (ektós) "outside" and θερμός (thermós) "hot", is an organism in which internal physiological sources of heat are of relatively small or quite negligible importance in controlling body temperature. Some refer to these organisms as "cold blooded". Such organisms (for example frogs) rely on environmental heat sources, which permits them to operate at very economical metabolic rates. Some of these animals live in environments where temperatures are practically constant, as is typical of regions of the abyssal ocean. In contrast, in places where temperature varies so widely as to limit the physiological activities of other kinds of ectotherms, many species habitually seek out external sources of heat or shelter from heat; for example, many reptiles regulate their body temperature by basking in the sun, or seeking shade when necessary in addition to a whole host of other behavioral thermoregulation mechanisms. In contrast to ectotherms, endotherms rely largely, even predominantly, on heat from internal metabolic processes.
Rune Bagge in TweakFM (Ectotherm)
Rob & Jonny Show Episode 2: Endotherms & Ectotherms
Mama Snake in TweakFM (Ectotherm, Apeiron Crew)
How do cold blooded animals stay warm?
Thermoregulation: Endotherms and Ectotherms
Warm-Blooded vs. Cold-Blooded: What’s The Difference?
Endotherm vs Ectotherm: Of Mice and Frogs + Scientific Research Paper
Endotherms and Ectotherms - A Level Biology
√ Physiological and Structural adaptations of ectotherms and endotherms | iitutor
Rune Bagge visited the TweakFM studio in Copenhagen - more info on www.tweakfm.com
Mama Snake aka Sara Svanholm visited the TweakFM studio in Copenhagen - more info on www.tweakfm.com
Infrared film of various "coldblooded" animals, they are depending on an outside source of warmth, the warmth lays like a red blanket on top of the animals. In biology this is called "ectotherm". http://www.worldofwarmth.com
Biggs, Littlefield, Shaw Media Project
Some animals are warm-blooded, while others are cold-blooded. What sets them apart, and what advantages does each kind have over the other? Read More: Animal Body Types - Basics http://minerva.union.edu/linthicw/endo.htm “Endotherms are animals that primarily produces its own heat. Ectotherms are animals that primarily gains heat through the environment.” Dinosaurs neither warm-blooded nor cold-blooded http://www.nature.com/news/dinosaurs-neither-warm-blooded-nor-cold-blooded-1.15399 “Dinosaurs were neither sluggish like lizards nor high-energy like mammals, but something in between, a study suggests.” What Is a Cold Blooded Animal? http://www.wisegeek.org/what-is-a-cold-blooded-animal.htm “A cold blooded animal, or ectotherm, is one that does not have an internal mechan...
Of Mice and Frogs, the Observations of Endothermic and Ectothermic Metabolic Responses to Decreasing Ambient Temperatures: Skript: The objective of this study was to compare the metabolic responses of ectotherms and endotherms to a change in ambient temperature. My goals were to observe and record their behavioral and metabolic responses at varying ambient temperatures. I hypothesize that when temperatures decrease the metabolic response for the ectotherm will decrease and for the endotherm it will increase. Cotton was placed over a small amount of soda lime which was used for absorbing carbon dioxide within a flask. A pipette was inserted into a beaker filled with water and as the mouse used up oxygen, water from the beaker would move up the pipette and show how much oxygen was being ...
https://www.iitutor.com In this video you will learn: Different ectothermic and endothermic adaptations. Structural and physiological adaptations for both cold and hot environments. Structural adaptation are physical features of an organism such as their shape, body, or any other structure in relation to the body that allows them to increase their chances of survival or better suit their environment. Structural adaptations that assist with temperature control include insulation such as fur, hair, feathers, insect scales and coats that enable a layer of air to be trapped to reduce the amount of heat lost. The feathers of the emu act as an insulator to reduce heat gain or loss. Blubber is another form of insulation to reduce heat loss from organisms living in water, such as the Australian...