
Latest commentary

Abetz's unyielding opposition to gay law reform

Eric Abetz has fought gay law reform throughout his political career.

Even as the Labor Party appears to have blunted the chances of the proposed plebiscite into gay marriage this week, the most vociferous opponents of gay marriage have been hitting the airwaves casting doubt and weaving mischief.

No Prime Minister, gay marriage hasn't gone away

If there's a loser in all this, it's Malcolm Turnbull.

Same-sex marriage now joins serious climate change policy as one of Australian politics' unachievables, where the machinations of parliament sit entirely at odds with the demonstrated popular will.

What's mining ever done for us? Just wait

Quietly, the mining industry has just doubled the price of coking coal.

A good chunk of Scott Morrison's budget problems could have vanished, just as they vanished for Peter Costello during mining boom at the start of the century.

Too risky: Baird must stay the course on liquor laws

SMH News story by Ava Benny-Morrison. Story, The NSW Government will announce a reward for information that leads to the ...

If Premier Mike Baird is serious about tackling domestic violence, and we believe he is, then he must remain committed to the state-wide 10pm closing time of bottle shops on the back of the significant reductions in assaults these changes have brought.