Prayer invoking the
Power of All
Powers, the
Holy Spirit.
Pray along, inviting the Holy Spirit to come and fill your habitat
.. Keep the prayer running inviting the Holy Spirit to permeate your surroundings
In the name of the
Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Lord and
Heavenly Father Cleansed and Redeemed BY THE PRECIOUS
Jesus Christ and His
Holy Mother Mary, I now invite the power of all powers, the Holy Spirit to come and fill me - body, mind and soul. As I repeat this prayer please release your life giving Holy Spirit - to permeate my entire self, my family, my home, my spiritual life, my parish, my neighborhood, my professional and business environments, my community, this nation and the entire world…
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Thy faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Thy love.
Send forth Thy
Spirit and they shall be created.
Thou shalt renew the face of the earth.
O God, Who didst instruct the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit, grant us in the same Spirit to be truly wise, and ever to rejoice in His consolation. Through Christ our Lord.
I invite you O life giving Holy Spirit, to come and fill my heart, my mind, my thoughts, my speech, my conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind. Penetrate my innermost being with the power of your love, so that I will be transformed completely in the image and likeness of Christ my
Savior. Come O sweet Holy Spirit, cleanse me by the power of the precious blood of
Jesus, the only
Son of God who died for my sins.
Come Holy Spirit, come and envelop me with the mercy and compassion of God, by the merits of the painful death of Jesus Christ, with whom you are united in
Blessed Trinity. Come Holy Spirit, come and melt all the sins and impurities in me, by the power of your refining fire. Come Holy Spirit, come cleanse and renew every area of pride, fear, doubt and confusion with the gift of
Faith. Come Holy Spirit, come and replace every negativity in me with the strength, assurance and confidence in
Gods abundant grace and mercy. Come Holy Spirit, come and transform all sadness, disappointments and brokenness in me to abundant joy and gladness. Come Holy Spirit, come and melt all fear and strengthen me with a new boldness and fortitude. Come Holy Spirit, come O healing balm of God heal all my innermost wounds of physical, emotional or sexual abuse and cleanse me white as snow. Come Holy Spirit, Come
Spirit of Kindness fill me with the grace to forgive and forget all hurtful memories. Come Holy Spirit, come spirit of true repentance give me the grace to truly repent for all the offences I have committed against the body of Christ, my brother or sister in
Christ. Come Holy Spirit, come and cleanse my sinful nature of lust, greed, gluttony, pain, shame, anger, envy, jealousy, frustration and depression with a renewed holiness and a renewed commitment to follow Jesus for the rest of my life. I renounce satan, all his pomps, vanities, and false maxims. I renounce the flesh, with all its temptations, and sincerely resolve to endeavour to amend my faults, to conquer my passions, and to sacrifice all that is most dear to me so as to win your graces. Come Holy Spirit, come with the power of your fire which emboldened the
Apostles so as to break down every bondage, curse and every power of sin and death over me, my family tree, my community and this land. Come Holy Spirit, O
Divine Spirit of Love, flood my heart with love, joy and humility and may all around me experience the power of your love. Come Holy Spirit melt the heart of hardened sinners and those who intent evil against me. Come Holy Spirit, come and fill me with the gift of humility and complete submission to
God’s will. Come Holy Spirit, come and fill me with the gifts and charisms I need for my spiritual growth and to proclaim
God’s kingdom to the ends of the earth. Come Holy Spirit, come and fill me with the wisdom, knowledge, understanding, memory and intellect to excel in my studies and daily duties. Come Holy Spirit, come as the mighty wind of God to chase away satan and all his evil spirits. Come Holy Spirit, come as you descended on
Mother Mary so as to empower me with courage, power and strength. Come Holy Spirit, O healer divine, come and heal my broken and weak body. Come Holy Spirit, come to give me a powerful apostolic anointing to walk and talk the gospel every day of my life. Come Holy Spirit, to break the chains of ancestral curses or ancestral sins and bondages associated with me and my family. Come Holy Spirit, the hammer of God, come and destroy the walls of the enemy standing before me. Come Holy Spirit, who resurrected Jesus from the dead, resurrect me from my sinful and broken state to a greater height where no enemy will dare reach. Come Holy Spirit, Come Holy Spirit, Come Holy Spirit come… O
Immaculate Mother Mary, fill me with the gifts and charisms of your most divine spouse, the Holy Spirit. Amen.
- published: 06 Dec 2015
- views: 8389