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Blank Signpost

New ‘zine Blank Signpost will be out soon.

‘Disinformation, mystery, uncertainty, no answers, no matter where the road goes we’re on it…’


Published haphazardly from March 2008 to October 2009

Words and images by D. M. Woffenden, J.C. Greenway and N. T. Doherty

WHAAAT? was produced in such limited-edition guaranteeing print runs that actual copies will be changing hands for millions some time in the future.  If you weren’t lucky enough to find one at Zineswap or strewn around East London, here they are in a special internet edition.

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

In 2009, the whaaat? writers were commissioned by IdeasTap – a website for young creatives run by the Peter De Haan Charitable Trust – to write a series of satirical news articles.  These were published as the whaat? weekly.

ten minutes hate‘s profile on Ideastap.

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