Showing posts with label Sweet Talk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sweet Talk. Show all posts

Thursday, November 05, 2015

The Unblinking Ear Podcast 11/5/15

This new edition of this podcast is being posted a few mere hours after the second episode of the Direct Obsess podcast. I implore you that whatever you do, DO NOT LISTEN TO THAT PODCAST! Yes, it's made by someone with great taste who is knowledgable about cool and happening bands and has done a lot of (unpaid) work for us here at Unblinking Ear HQ. However, my thunder is being stolen and I cannot abide by that. So please, pay that podcast no attention, even if it is conveniently available for free subscription from the iTunes store.

Download the latest The Unblinking Ear Podcast

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Unblinking Ear Podcast 10/17/13

Another CMJ week. Another year where I don't get a badge despite spending pretty much my entire adult life on the periphery of the music "biz."

Though my lack of badge something of badge of honor at this point. I can always say that one's ability to secure a CMJ pass is inversely proportioned to his or her taste in music (which is only slightly inaccurate). Also, most the "must-see" CMJ events are awful experiences, overstuffed with the desperate to impress and the generally clueless, who will suck the fun out of the room and make you second guess how much you really liked the musical act you are witnessing in the first place.

I can pretty guarantee that the below podcast will be a more rewarding experience than nearly every NYC area show the week of CMJ.

There are, however, exceptions.

Download the latest The Unblinking Ear Podcast

Thursday, February 07, 2013

The Unblinking Ear Podcast 2/7/13

This podcast was atypically assembled in the morning. Usually I put together the podcast in the evening to have it ready for the following day. However last night I passed out almost immediately upon returning home from work, which happens to working people sometimes (especially when they were out drinking heavily for no apparent reason the night before).

So please enjoy or at least tolerate my morning voice and disposition, the same one that's caused my co-workers to conclude they should not try to interact with me until 3pm at the earliest.

Download the latest The Unblinking Ear Podcast