Showing posts with label Mike Krol. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mike Krol. Show all posts

Thursday, October 01, 2015

The Unblinking Ear Podcast 10/1/15

It's been over a month since the last Unblinking Ear Podcast. Yes, we somehow managed to skip all of September. Not because we haven't been busy.

We did not one but two fill ins on WFMU (who have just begun their annual silent fundraiser so go give them some money) during that time.

Additionally,Unblinking Ear Records released the debut solo album from Zoltars frontman Jared Leibowich, Welcome Late Bloomers. It's available on cassette and digital and, if we do say so ourselves, is rather fantastic.

Finally, we've been working on our first ever CMJ showcase! (Unofficial, of course. There's no way I'd be allowed to go legit.) It's happening the afternoon of Saturday, October 17 at Union Pool and will feature the Gotobeds, Big Quiet, Snowmans of Love and a secret surprise musical guest, who I promise, will not disappoint. DJ Nate K will be spinning tunes before and in between bands and Pat Byrne will host, making us smile and perhaps making us think a little (though probably not).

That's a lot for you to mull over as you as listen to this podcast. (And we've got more big announcements coming soon.) You'll be happy to know that due to the layoff, a lot a good tunes have piled up for the past month and this episode is all killer, no filler. We're all about quality, not quantity here at Unblinking Ear HQ. (Actually, we're mainly about not making any money.)

Download the latest The Unblinking Ear Podcast

Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Unblinking Ear 3/27/14

(Above: The new business model)

Music is becoming a cheaper and cheaper commodity to the point where it's nearly worthless. Physical copies are slipping into irrelevance and MP3s are easily obtainable for free. It's high time to we make the pendulum to swing in the other direction and force music to be heard as high art rather than disposable fodder.

With this in mind, starting with our next edition, the Unblinking Ear Podcast will only be heard in select museums. Sorry, plebeians.

Download the latest The Unblinking Ear Podcast