Showing posts with label Good Throb. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Good Throb. Show all posts

Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Unblinking Ear Podcast 8/18/16

My 5th podcast of 2016 and it's only August. Enjoy this escargot-like delicacy!

Download the latest The Unblinking Ear Podcast

Thursday, May 08, 2014

The Unblinking Ear Podcast 5/8/14

The above image (courtesy of @lauralogic) has nothing to do with the contents of this podcast. Expect that both are awesome.

Download the latest The Unblinking Ear Podcast

Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Unblinking Ear Podcast 3/13/14

(Above: Austin's biggest attraction. Photo via Hearts Bleed Radio)
I'm afraid this edition the podcast is being posted a week later than originally scheduled/planned due to circumstances in my professional life well beyond my control. However, since I'm not attending this SXSW fest (conference? showcase? synergetic business opportunity?) in Austin this week for the umpteenth consecutive year, you get to hear a collection of new music (and reissues) presented in a succinct, non-overwhelming capacity that will not leave you with an STD.

Download the latest The Unblinking Ear Podcast