
Research Administration

The Administrator is assisted in supervising and managing scientific activities and programmes by a board of Scientific Directors and a Scientific Secretariat.

Programme heads are researchers or teaching/research faculty from universities, major academic establishments or research entities. They dedicate a portion of their work time to the Foundation’s activities. They are appointed by the Administrator and Scientific Director given their scientific skills, along with their field of research (thematic or geographic).

The Scientific Directors are aided by a Scientific Secretariat in implementing international scientific programmes, organising events, and hosting foreign researchers.

Thanks to the various institutions and disciplines of programme heads, Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme is able to entirely fulfil its role as a nodal point for European and international cooperation in SHS, in terms of both inviting researchers and designing projects.

Jean-Pierre Dozon, Research Director at EHESS
Scientific Director

Marta Craveri, Researcher at CERCEC
Assistant Scientific Director