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Kidspot Things To Do

Make a yarn heart card

Penny Flanagan

These cute little homemade cards are perfect for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day or ‘just because’ day. They are also a sneaky way to get some fine motor skills practise in for your little one.



You will need

  • 1 x printable heart template
  • 1 x piece of box card or card stock 16cm x 26cm
  • a ball of string, yarn or wool
  • an embroidery needle
  • a metal skewer
  • scissors
  • pencil
  • eraser


  • Choose a heart from the template.  A smaller heart will require less yarn and may be easier to manage for little people.  The bigger heart requires you to re-thread the needle a few times (because you will run out of yarn).
  • Cut out the heart you want to use.
  • Now fold your piece of card in half to make a card.
  • Place the heart template on the front cover and trace around it with a lead pencil.
  • Now use the skewer to punch holes all along the pencil line.
  • Thread your needle and start embroidering your heart, going mostly cross-ways at the front, and then use small stitches at the back to save on yarn (see video).
  • When you have finished, tie off the yarn at the back and snip it.
  • Don’t forget to write your message inside the card!