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Kidspot Lifestyle


Keep up with the hottest celebrity gossip from around the globe, the books to read, the movies to watch and the TV series to dissect with your girlfriends thanks to our up-to-the-minute entertainment news.

What's on your reading list? What's the movie you really need to see and the TV programme you can't afford to miss? Find out here with our entertainment guide.

The best Australian reality TV romances of all time

Flashback Friday! 10 celebs walk their first red carpet

The cutest moments from the Royals in Canada

10 celebrity couples that give us hope that love CAN last a lifetime

10 things you'll only understand if you were educated in the 90s

Emmy Awards 2016! Who looked amazing and who shocked?

9 celebrity mums who were shamed for their baby bumps

The celebrity Mums who have eaten their placenta!

Celebrating 100 years of Roald Dahl - these still top the list!