- published: 13 Mar 2012
- views: 136674
La Gomera (pronounced: [la ɣoˈmeɾa]) is one of Spain's Canary Islands, located in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Africa. In area, it is the second-smallest of the seven main islands of this group. It belongs to the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Its capital is San Sebastián de La Gomera, where the headquarters of the Cabildo are located.
La Gomera is part of the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. It is divided into six municipalities:
The island government (cabildo insular) is located in the capital, San Sebastián.
The island is of volcanic origin and roughly circular; it is about 22 kilometres (14 miles) in diameter. The island is very mountainous and steeply sloping and rises to 1,487 metres (4,879 ft) at the island's highest peak, Alto de Garajonay. Its shape is rather like an orange that has been cut in half and then split into segments, which has left deep ravines or barrancos between them.
La Gomera is one of Spain's Canary Islands, located in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Africa. Follow us on our fascinating journey through this magical place's landscapes and visit the majestic Valle Gran Rey, the beautiful Vallehermoso, the powerful waves of Hermigua and see fascinating whales offshore. All music composed, produced and performed by Marc Bradley Music can be licensed from http://www.intervox.de/en/search.php?gsuche=bradley&submit;=GO and http://www.marcbradleymusic.com If you like my music, please like my facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/marcbradleysounds La Gomera gehört zu den kanarischen Inseln, gelegen vor der afrikanischen Küste im Atlantischen Ozean. Folgen Sie uns auf einer faszinierenden Reise durch die Landschaften dieses magischen Ortes un...
Welcome to the beautiful volcanic island of La Gomera! This is one of the smaller Canarian Islands and we absolutely love it. A big part of the island is covered by the national park Garajonay and we explore the island together with Malin's family who is visiting us. Jumping in waves on the west coast, looking at amazing views from a skywalk on the east coast and we try out our SUP board for the first time. Enjoy! Check out Kona One's amazing windsurfing and SUP boards: http://www.konaone.com We are a Swedish couple who wanted a different kind of life. So we moved in to our sailboat RAN, a one-off aluminium built Beason 40, and untied the lines in the middle of the Swedish winter and started sailing south along the coast of Europe. There is no set route and we will go where the wind and ...
Moderator Yared Dibaba besucht die Kanaren-Insel La Gomera. Er zeigt das prächtige Valle Gran Rey (Tal des großen Königs) auf La Gomera, pirscht durch den mystischen Lorbeerwald, packt bei der Bananenernte an und macht Straßenmusik mit einer Inselband. Außerdem geht's im Wohnmobil durch Westaustralien, zu Fuß durch Hongkong, und im Postschiff zum Polarlicht am Nordkap. Yared Dibaba - auch privat als Globetrotter stets auf der Suche nach außergewöhnlichen Reisezielen - ist in "Endlich Urlaub!" immer mittendrin statt nur dabei: Die Sendung nimmt ihre Zuschauer mit zu Nah- und Fernzielen. Aktiv-Reisen werden dabei ebenso präsentiert wie Momente zum Zurücklehnen und Genießen. Auf der Webseite zur Sendung gibt's nicht nur Infos zu allen Zielen der Sendung, sondern auch pfiffige Kurzvideos mit ...
Komplettes Urlaubsvideo hier: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iER88JEIvY Maltes Kanal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3s2ViGMl2DRXbfnYS6q_mg 👻 Snapchat: roxisecke 💁 Instagram: www.instagram.com/roxisecke 👮🏻 Facebook: www.facebook.com/roxisecke 🎥 Schon gesehen? Mein Superfood: https://youtu.be/YUwdomqkm2Y Q & A: https://youtu.be/syuIyBYQYFM Po Workout mit Fitnessoskar: https://youtu.be/NSUnvIOQcPQ SONY CYBERSHOT 4K*: http://amzn.to/1DhV6oO RODE MIKROFON*: http://amzn.to/1O5yCWQ SOFTBOXEN VON WALIMEX: *http://amzn.to/1O5yIhi Meine Fitnessgruppe Gainz&Girls auf Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/147739628891141/ *Affiliate Amazon Links, welche ich freiwillig einfüge : ) ❤️alles was ich in meinen Videos sage, entspricht meiner vollkommen ehrlichen Meinung. Solltet m...
The best hiking and trekking routes on La Gomera, part of the Canary Islands. / Wandern auf La Gomera, Spanien Tour 1: Barranco de Arure Tour 2: Arure to Raso de la Bruma Tour 3: Bosque del Cedro to Hermigua More yourdailymilk: ------------------------ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yourdailymilk Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/yourdailymilk
San Sebastian - Playa de Santiago - Imada - Vallehermoso - Chorros de Epina - Valle Gran Rey
UNESCO: Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity - 2009 URL: http://www.unesco.org/culture/ich/RL/00172 Description: The whistled language of La Gomera Island in the Canaries, the Silbo Gomero, replicates the islanders habitual language (Castilian Spanish) with whistling. Handed down over centuries from master to pupil, it is the only whistled language in the world that is fully developed and practised by a large community (more than 22,000 inhabitants). The whistled language replaces each vowel or consonant with a whistling sound: two distinct whistles replace the five Spanish vowels, and there are four whistles for consonants. The whistles can be distinguished according to pitch and whether they are interrupted or continuous. With practice, whistlers can conv...
a brief visit to the beautiful island of La Gomera in the Canary Islands located
La Gomera 08.08.2013: Im Hafen von Vueltas, Valle Gran Rey kommen seid einiger Zeit regelmaessig Rundkoepfige Stechrochen, Adlerrochen und Schmetterlingsrochen vorbei. Vueltas ist ein alter traditioneller Hafen in dem noch Fischerboote auf das Meer hinaus fahren. Oft werden Fische an der Landungstreppe ausgenommen. Der Beifang wird waehrend der Einfahrt in den Hafen ebenfalls ins Meer geworfen. Das hat dazu gefuehrt, das die Tiere auf Futtersuche immer wieder vorbeischauen. Ein kleiner Junge (Joel) hat sich daraus seinen Spass gemacht und zusammen mit seinen Freunden lockt er besonders einen grossen Stechrochen zur Treppe und fuettert ihn mit Fisch. Langsam entwickelt sich das Ganze zu einem kleinen morgentlichen Spektakel. La Gomera 08.08.2013: En el puerto de Vueltas, Valle Gran Rey vie...
Esta serie documental realizada por Radio Televisión Canaria, consta de trece capítulos y fué rodada desde un helicóptero por toda la geografía de las islas. Durante tres semanas y más de 100 horas de vuelo y 80 de rodaje, el equipo del programa recorrió todos los rincones de las islas, sus municipios, sus pueblos más recónditos, sus ciudades,sus monumentos, sus espacios naturales...tomando al detalle imágenes de nuestras gentes en sus quehacerees y trabajos desde el aire. Permite conocer nuestras islas desde una perspectiva diferente. La narración es del escritor y periodista canario Fernando Delgado. "Canarias un paseo por las nubes" muestra las imágenes más expectaculares del Archipiélago. La serie constituye un documento imprescindible para conocer los espacios naturales de una...
Part 114 - Travel Impressions by MrTravelImpressions
Canarias La Gomera Travel - Canarias La Gomera - La Gomera is one of Spains Canary Islands, located in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Africa. In area, it is the second-smallest of the seven main islands of this group. It is located at [show location on an interactive map] 28°06′N 17°08′W / 28.1°N 17.133°W / 28.1; -17.133. ( wikipedia ) Enjoy Your Canarias La Gomera Travel!
Presentation of La Gomera island. Discover all its secrets and visit us. Visit the tourist page www.lagomera.travel.
http://tenerife.attractionsreporter.com offers the largest video guide of attractions in Tenerife. On this video, you can see the description of a tour departing from Los Cristianos in Tenerife, arriving by Ferry to La Gomera, and doing an island tour to come back to Tenerife on the same day. A fantastic opportunity to meet La Gomera's scenery, including the national Park Garajonay
La Gomera travel guide ► bit.ly/la-gomera-youtube
luego de la visita a la Finca Bananera en esas mismas instalaciones pero en la casa patronal allí se hizo la sesión de fotografías y el vídeo clip tanto de las niñas como las señoritas al evento de elección de la Feria de la Gomera del año 2016, esperamos les guste y les dejamos la invitación a dichos eventos de elección.
Antigua factoría de pescado – La Cantera - La Gomera www.lagomera.travel Lugares Mágicos de La Gomera, Islas Canarias * Magische Orte von La Gomera, Kanarischen Inseln Magical Places of La Gomera, Canary Islands * Lieux Magiques de La Gomera, Îles Canaries
Desprendimientos en Valle Gran Rey La Gomera
En San Sebastián de La Gomera arrancó la primera ruta teatralizada colombina. Un recorrido de algo menos de una hora por los tres espacios colombinos más emblemáticos de la capital de la Isla acompañados del almirante Cristóbal Colón y Beatriz de Bobadilla como ejes centrales de una historia que apasionó a visitantes y locales por igual. Un evento que trasladó a los presentes cinco siglos atrás en el tiempo y que forma parte de la nueva estrategia turística puesta en marcha desde el Ayuntamiento de San Sebastián de La Gomera y que cuenta con la colaboración del grupo de teatro de La Gomera Minela.
nuestro propósito fue dar a conocer la producción del producto del Banano y por ello visitamos la finca Bananera Montañesa a quienes se les agradece por su fina atención acompañados de las lindas participantes como candidatas a nuestra Belleza La Gomera 2016 - 2017 para nuestra feria titular, conozcamos un poco de la producción del Banano en Finca la montañesa. Bendiciones.
De lo mejor en orquestas canarias de todos los tiempos ya sea casett o vinilos recuperadas para disfrutar cuado guste en esta canal emi124ap.
De lo mejor en orquestas canarias de todos los tiempos ya sea casett o vinilos recuperadas para disfrutar cuado guste en esta canal emi124ap.
Imanol y Juan emprenden un viaje a la Gomera, una de las islas más desconocidas del archipiélago canario. Un viaje interior donde el Parque Garajonay ha cumplido una función primordial en la economía y en la supervivencia de los gomeros. En San Sebastián de la Gomera descubrirán productos ancestrales como el gofio o el almogrote cuyo origen se remonta al siglo XVI y que es originario de la Gomera.
Le nouvel album de Féloche, "Silbo", est disponible en CD et digital. Commandez l'album de Féloche "Silbo" http://bit.ly/FelocheSilbo Téléchargez l'album "Silbo" http://bit.ly/SilboiT Féloche, l'écho du Silbo Un documentaire de Thomas Letellier https://www.facebook.com/felocheofficiel https://twitter.com/Feloche http://www.feloche.fr/
La Gomera - Valle Gran Rey - das Tal des großen Königs Meine Film-Ausrüstung: HauptKamera: Canon Legria HF G30 HD http://goo.gl/q1Rjwo NebenKamera: Panasonic HC-VXF999 http://goo.gl/57N2Rm Action/Unterwasser: Activeon cx gold http://goo.gl/3hk5lK dazu Taucherbrille, Basecap und Zubehör: http://goo.gl/Q1eLaQ / http://goo.gl/812kvj / http://goo.gl/pOzs4b Nachvertonung: Auna MIC-900B USB Kondensator Mikrofon http://goo.gl/Tz8ibW Videosoftware (Magix u. Cyberlink) http://goo.gl/DOUxnl / http://goo.gl/K0aVu9 Ausrüstung Wandern: Merrell MOAB VENT Herren Trekking- & Wanderhalbschuhe http://goo.gl/wv2fFo Meindl Vakuum Men Ultra 680084 http://goo.gl/CXpkmi Local Lion 40L Outdoor Wanderrucksack (1-4 Zage) http://goo.gl/EFhhXS Ecco OFFROAD Herren Outdoor http://goo.gl/fCpgif VAUDE Herr...
Bericht von einem 14 tägigen Urlaub auf La Gomera mit diversen Wanderungen und Ausflügen.
Gran Canaria, die drittgrößte Insel der Kanaren, bietet urbanes Flair in der Hauptstadt Las Palmas, wunderschöne Sandstrände im Süden und verträumte Dörfer mit einer wilden Bergwelt im Landesinneren. Drei Millionen Menschen machen jedes Jahr Urlaub auf Gran Canaria. Dennoch findet man im Süden und im Zentrum der Insel immer noch verträumte Dörfer und fast unbewohnte Täler. La Gomera ist die kleine Schwester von Gran Canaria. Wer hier lebt und arbeitet, hat sich für ein Leben in Muße entschieden. So wie der Schuhmacher Domingo, der aus einem Hobby seinen Beruf machte. In Maspalomas brüten in der Charca, einem erst vor kurzem angelegten Süßwassertümpel, inzwischen wieder seltene Wasservögel. Sorgen bereiten den Mitarbeitern der Umweltbehörde die zunehmenden Stürme. Sie bewirken, dass immer m...
Join Kevin Nash and Alan Blair as they go off in search of uncaught monsters at a newly discovered water on La Gomera in the Canary Islands. It's the stuff adventures are made of! Stay up to date with all our new products, news and updates on the links below! Check out our Website: http://nashtackle.co.uk Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialNashTackle Follow us on Instagram: http://instagram.com/officialnashtackle Hot news on our Twitter: https://twitter.com/NashTackleUK
We were standing
Standing by peaceful waters
Standing by peaceful waters
Whoa Wah Oh Wha Oh
Whoa Wah Oh Wha Oh
Many years ago along the Illinois-Wisconsin Border
There was this Indian tribe
They found two babies in the woods
White babies
One of them was named Elizabeth
She was the fairer of the two
While the smaller and more fragile one was named Marie
Having never seen white girls before
And living on the two lakes known as the Twin Lakes
They named the larger and more beautiful Lake, Lake Elizabeth
And thus the smaller lake that was hidden from the highway
Became known forever as Lake Marie
Repeat Chorus:
Many years later I found myself talking to this girl
Who was standing there with her back turned to Lake Marie
The wind was blowing especially through her hair
There was four italian sausages cooking on the outdoor grill
And Man, they was ssssssssizzlin'
Many years later we found ourselves in Canada
Trying to save our marriage and perhaps catch a few fish
Whatever seemed easier
That night she fell asleep in my arms
Humming the tune to ";Louie Louie'
Aah baby, We gotta go now.
Repeat Chorus:
The dogs were barking as the cars were parking
The loan sharks were sharking the narcs were narcing
Practically everyone was there
In the parking lot by the forest preserve
The police had found two bodies
Nay, naked bodies
Their faces had been horribly disfigured by some sharp object
Saw it on the news On the TV news in a black and white video
You know what blood looks like in a black and white video?
Shadows, Shadows that's exactly what it looks like
All the love we shared between her and me was slammed
Slammed up against the banks of Old Lake Marie, Marie
We were standing
Standing by peaceful waters
Standing by peaceful waters
Whoa Wah Oh Wha Oh
Whoa Wah Oh Wha Oh
Whoa Wah Oh Wha Oh
Whoa Wah Oh Wha Oh
Standing by peaceful waters
Peaceful waters
Standing by peaceful waters
Peaceful waters
Standing by peaceful waters
Peaceful waters
Standing by peaceful waters
Peaceful waters
Aah baby, we gotta go now