- published: 09 Feb 2017
- views: 3
Aspekt is an alias/project of Oliver Smith and Mark Pledger, who are better known in the electronic dance music community as Smith & Pledger. To date, they have released three singles under the Anjunabeats record label, although ANJ-006 (Aspekt - Mobetta/Something Else) was produced entirely by Oliver Smith, as so credited on the vinyl release.
Aled Smith - Beneath Fallen Skies (live at Kinetic, Dec 2016)
Exercise Long Reach Nov 2016
Aled Smith - 'uncertain light' (live at Kinetic, Dec 2016)
VA - Smith & Pledger In The Mix
Shawn Smith ALED 301
Aled and Penny Smith 21st March 2010
Suzanne Smith ALED 301 Service Learning Presentation
Truck trash and pallet jump gethyn boast aled boast Dan horn ben smith
NEW Sounds Collective
The Review: Equity investment – March 25 2014
Aled Smith's "Beneath Fallen Skies", performed as part of a Kinetic event at The Wonder Inn, Manchester, on December 7th 2016. Lauryna Sableviciute - Piano "Beneath Fallen Skies takes the form of an object being observed from different perspectives. There are no true background or foreground materials, rather there are colours floating through a stream of consciousness."
Aled Smith's "uncertain light", performed as part of a Kinetic event at The Wonder Inn, Manchester - 7th December, 2016. Lauryna Sableviciute - Piano "Written for the 2013 Royal Philharmonic Society mini-commission competition, for which it was awarded first prize. The brief for the competition was to use material from the first few bars of Olivier Messiaen’s large orchestral work Des canyons aux étoiles… (1971) as inspiration. The structure centres around a block of material which cycles, gradually becoming distorted as it drifts through blurry, mirage-like harmonies."
01. Activa feat. Aled Mann - In Essence (Matt Hardwick vs. Smith & Pledger Remix) 02. Mike Koglin & Mark Pledger - All The Way (Original Mix) 03. Matt Hardwick vs. Smith & Pledger feat. Melinda Gareh - Connected (Dub Mix) 04. Smith & Pledger - Believe (Smith & Pledger's 2004 Remix) 05. Matt Hardwick vs. Smith & Pledger - Day One (Original 2003 Mix) 06. Lange pres. Firewall - Sincere 2005 (Smith & Pledger Remix) 07. DJ Tatana feat. Onita Boone - Free (Smith & Pledger Remix) 08. 2 Players - Signet (Smith & Pledger Mix) 09. Gavyn Mytchel - Forbidden (Smith & Pledger Remix) 10. John '00' Fleming feat. Natasha Lea Jones - I'm Not Fooled (Smith & Pledger Remix) 11. Kaste - Desert Eagle (Smith & Pledger Remix) 12. Luminary - Amsterdam (Smith & Pledger Remix) 13. Smith & Pledger feat. Carrie Skipp...
Shawn smith texas a&m; class project
Aled and Penny Smith present the "Most Outstanding Contribution To Opera" award at the Oliviers, 21st March 2010. Sorry for the poor quality of the video.
The NEW Sounds Collective is the innovative new music branch of NEW Sinfonia who are based in North Wales. The Collective collaborates with some of the area's most dynamic creative voices. This video shows some highlights from the first two gigs which featured new music by Golden Fable, Michael Betteridge, The Innocent and Aled Smith. NEW Sounds Collective is part of NEW Sinfonia and supported by the Arts Council of Wales. More gigs to follow - follow us on Facebook or sign up to our mailing list on newsinfonia.org.uk !
KPMG's John Exley, JLT's Kieran Harkin and M&G;'s Aled Smith discuss the equity strategies offering stability and returns to pension funds.
ASPEKT Open Air in der Berliner Wuhlheide www.aspekt-records.de
ASPEKT Open Air in der Berliner Wuhlheide www.aspekt-records.de
ASPEKT Open Air in der Berliner Wuhlheide www.aspekt-records.de
ASPEKT Open Air in der Berliner Wuhlheide www.aspekt-records.de
Klip z końcówki koncertu na Skwerze im. M. Kotańskiego w Warszawie 21 czerwca 2008
TV emisija "Aspekt" - Dejtonski sporazum 22 godine kasnije Gost emisije Nenad Kecmanović Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rtrs.vijesti Twitter: https://twitter.com/RTRSvijesti Label and copyright : RTRS Zabranjeno svako kopiranje video i/ili audio snimaka i postavljanje na druge kanale!
U Aspektu – Šta je problem u učešću Trećeg pješadijskog Republika Srpska puka na obilježavanju Dana Republike? Ko komanduje Oružanim snagama Bosne i Hercegovine? Ko koga sabotira u Ministarstvu odbrane? Zašto je Dan Republike Srpske nakon 25 godina izazvao tolika reagovanja i retoriku protiv Srpske, koja ne samo da nije diplomatska, već se može uporediti sa ratnohuškačkom? Gledajte Aspekt jer se vas tiče! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rtrs.vijesti Twitter: https://twitter.com/RTRSvijesti Label and copyright : RTRS Zabranjeno svako kopiranje video i/ili audio snimaka i postavljanje na druge kanale!
Duraković ponovio da će podnijeti žalbu na rezultate izbora Centralna izborna komisija donijela je danas odluku o utvrđivanju i objavljivanju rezultata lokalnih izbora u BiH održanih prije 15 dana, uključujući i Srebrenicu. goo.gl/TC5SNP Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rtrs.vijesti Twitter: https://twitter.com/RTRSvijesti Label and copyright : RTRS Zabranjeno svako kopiranje video i/ili audio snimaka i postavljanje na druge kanale!
O budućnosti država u Evropi, u Aspektu Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rtrs.vijesti Twitter: https://twitter.com/RTRSvijesti Label and copyright : RTRS Zabranjeno svako kopiranje video i/ili audio snimaka i postavljanje na druge kanale!
Da li je jezik kojim govore Bošnjaci bosanski ili bošnjački , tema je o kojoj se raspravlja u prethodne tri godine. Koplja se opet lome preko najmlađih, koji u 10 opština u Srpskoj, izostaju sa nastave, jer im, kako tvrde njihovi roditelji ali i bošnjački politički predstavnici u Republici Srpskoj, nisu zagarantovana Ustavna prava - na maternji jezik. http://goo.gl/ya3wDv Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rtrs.vijesti Twitter: https://twitter.com/RTRSvijesti Label and copyright : RTRS Zabranjeno svako kopiranje video i/ili audio snimaka i postavljanje na druge kanale!
Aspekt - O značaju nove Rezolucije, ponašanju evropskih zemlja prema Balkanu Kancelarija visokog predstavnika mogla bi uskoro da dođe na tapet i to na međunarodnom planu, a pitanje bi mogla da pokrene Rusija.
http://www.dialogzentrum-demenz.de. Einen frei verfügbaren Ratgeber „Und wer fragt nach mir? Selbstmanagement in der Versorgung von Menschen mit Demenz“ hat das Dialog- und Transferzentrums Demenz (DZD) der Fakultät für Gesundheit der Universität Witten/Herdecke herausgegeben. Der Autor Marcus Klug geht auf der Basis von Erkenntnissen aus Management, Psychologie, Hirnforschung und Verhaltensökonomie der Frage nach, welche Erkenntnisse und Methoden des Selbstmanagements in einem Arbeitsumfeld hilfreich sind, wenn statische Planungs- und Kontrollmethoden außer Kraft gesetzt sind. Als Bonus zum E-Book gibt es ein Video-Interview mit dem Demenzexperten Christian Müller-Hergl zum Aspekt der Selbstpflege. Hier der Link zum E-Book: http://dzd.blog.uni-wh.de/das-e-book-und-war-fragt-nach-mir-sel...
Interview with the lead co-op designer for StarCraft 2, Matt Morris. Subscribe for more videos: http://lowko.tv/youtube More co-op: https://goo.gl/j6CtqM At Gamescom I sat down with Matt Morris. He leads the design team for the co-op part of StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void. In this video we talk about Alarak the new co-op commander, Mist Opportunities, one of the new maps and about interesting statistics that show how popular co-op truly is. Support me on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/lowkotv StarCraft 2 website: http://www.starcraft2.com StarCraft 2 is a military science fiction real-time strategy video game developed and released by Blizzard Entertainment for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. Legacy of the Void is the third and final part in the StarCraft 2 triology. -- http://lowko...
On the occasion of the exhibition Alexander Calder & Fischli/Weiss at the Fondation Beyeler in Riehen (Basel, Switzerland), Calder Foundation President, Alexander S. C. Rower, offers his thoughts about different elements of the show. Alexander S. C. Rower discusses the themes of exploration and innovation present in both Calder’s and Fischli/Weiss’s work; the delicate balances and equilibriums achieved in the works included in the show; rarely-seen works; his favorite moments in the exhibition; and Alexander Calder’s fascination with the circus. The exhibition Alexander Calder & Fischli/Weiss at Fondation Beyeler focuses on the fleeting, precarious and exhilarating moment of fragile balance as expressed through the works of Calder and Fischli/Weiss in the early- and late-twentieth century...
Watch more of our interviews: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLc6RDCEFsiVmIap8ecN2dPx0gtJP7iLMg We sat down with Hopsin during his visit in Poland and talked about a variety of topics, ranging from kayaking with fans and wanting to be "the cool guy", the importance of venting in songs such as "Die This Way"'; Desiigner's success with "Panda" in light of Hopsin's track "No Words"; tough times of being a part of Ruthless Records; Hop's plans regarding his new label Undercover Prodigy; his thoughts of Macklemore's "White Privilege II", as well as his passion for making beats, and acting. Interviewers: Marcin and Mateusz Natali Video: The Distance Vision
I have always wondered what realities Jewish people face in modern Poland. On one hand the media makes the country out to be anti semitic, when in reality I have met very few Poles who I feel would take issue with another person for their religious faith. I sat down with Poland's chief Rabbi Michael Schudrich to understand his point of view. Watch Kult America exclusives! http://www.mediakraft.tv iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id1114389730 Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=tv.nexx.android.mediakrafttv ★★★ CONTACT ★★★ Email: ryansocash@gmail.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RyanSocash Twitter: https://twitter.com/ryansocash Instagram: https://instagram.com/ryansocash/ Snap: KULTAMERICA Mediakraft PL Sp. z o.o. ul. Nowy Świat 60/8, 00-357 Warszawa NIP: 7...
Mamy tutaj okazję przejść przez 41 lat legislacji i zacząć uchylać przepisy, które kładą olbrzymi ciężar na 5 milionów małych przedsiębiorstw brytyjskich. ► Siedziba Rady Europejskiej, Strasburg, 6 Lipca 2016 r. ► Konferencja prasowa przewodniczącego grupy EFDD Nigela Farage'a
The full episode of VICE on HBO's 'State of Surveillance' is available to stream for free on VICE News. When NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden leaked details of massive government surveillance programs in 2013, he ignited a raging debate over digital privacy and security. That debate came to a head this year, when Apple refused an FBI court order to access the iPhone of alleged San Bernardino Terrorist Syed Farook. Meanwhile, journalists and activists are under increasing attack from foreign agents. To find out the government's real capabilities, and whether any of us can truly protect our sensitive information, VICE founder Shane Smith heads to Moscow to meet the man who started the conversation, Edward Snowden. VICE on HBO Season 1: http://bit.ly/1BAQdq5 VICE on HBO Season 2:http://bit....
In a very intimate interview 'Fast and Furious' actor Paul Walker speaks about his empathy for cars and his love for Jasmine Pilchard. BILD Kino JETZT abonnieren: http://on.bild.de/bild_kino_abo
Thanks for the advice this stout was great. Ale-smith Brewing Imperial Stout ranking in at 12% 70 IBU's. It's a very full flavored black ale with an easy going taste.
Ale smith ja ipa
-- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/mike_norton
Ale Smith talks about God's ability to heal not only the physical ills, but emotional wounds as well
Sampling New English Brewing Company Zumbar Chocolate Coffee Imperial Stout, Ale Smith Horny Devil and Lindemans Peche Lambic. Followed by a little match lighting and chill session. And last 5 minutes or so is of a ghost story. I hope you like it :) https://www.patreon.com/user?u=449844 Mailing Address: 3401 Adams Ave Ste A PMB 81 San Diego, CA 92116 Instagram: CosmicTingles facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cosmic.tingles Support the Tingles here ;) https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business;=67KNCUWN8CZBJ&lc;=US&item;_name=Cosmic%20Tingles¤cy;_code=USD&bn;=PP%2dDonationsBF%3n_donate_SM%2egif%3aNonHosted Check out and subscribe to my second channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6KdVy64a73HyCz7VTx8AkA
Sampling New English Brewing Company Zumbar Chocolate Coffee Imperial Stout, Ale Smith Horny Devil and Lindemans Peche Lambic. Followed by a little
Sampling New English Brewing Company Zumbar Chocolate Coffee Imperial Stout, Ale Smith Horny Devil and Lindemans Peche Lambic. Followed by a little match lighting and chill session. And last 5 minutes or so is of a ghost story. I hope you like it :) Mailing Address: 3401 Adams Ave Ste A PMB 81 San Diego, CA 92116 Instagram: CosmicTingles facebook: Support the Tingles here ;)
Ale Smith speaks on the faithfulness of God
In this message Ale Smith shares how we have been given the food necessary to feed the fish around us.
Download 8 Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike tracks FOR FREE: http://www.summerofmadness.com/ Follow Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike on Spotify: http://dimitrivegasandlikemike.com/spotify Relive the MADNESS with these exclusive Spotify playlists: Bringing The Madness Playlist: http://dimitrivegasandlikemike.com/spotifymadness The Official Tomorrowland Playlist: http://tomorrowland.com/spotify The Smash The House Radio Playlist: http://smashthehouse.com/spotify Subscribe yourself for more Tomorrowland Music on http://smarturl.it/subscribeDVLM EXCLUSIVE: Watch Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike team up with Charlie Sheen & Jean-Claude Van Damme for their massive "The Hum" music video!! Check it out on http://www.thehum.world !! Check out the Podcast for Free Download https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/d... ...
11.0% This beer is just awesome! The heavy bourbon up front. Roasted malts and vanilla. The beer is so smooth and buttery. Thank you Johnnie for a fun time and awesome beers! https://www.youtube.com/user/Emanon911 The "E" Scale Blog http://escale.pairsite.com/ HempSeedAddict https://www.youtube.com/user/hempseedaddict http://www.intheredexplodingtargets.com/ Remember to use the code "ebomey" when ordering from IN THE RED EXPLODING Targets. You will get 10% off your order.
We could go further
Further down the slope
And twist like the others
With no great hope
We could never be lovers, we could never be
There for each other on Christmas Eve
We could never be lovers; we could never be
I've got a ticket
With no return
The price is all wicked
And now I've learned
That we could never be lovers, we could never be
There for each other by the Christmas tree
We could never be lovers; we could never be
I was so touched
I was happy for a night
And I'm surprised to see you
Looking for a fight