The Tyee

Tyee Builders

Canada needs more independent journalism. Join us  

Support The Tyee and bring more diverse, fact-driven reporting to the public conversation.

Choose your monthly level:

Make a monthly contribution (pdf) from your bank account.

If you already contribute monthly to The Tyee and would like to increase your contribution, give us a shout at 604-689-7489 or

  Select your one-time amount

$ .00

Or, consider becoming a sustaining monthly supporter for less than the cost of a newspaper subscription.

Don't trust the Internet? Can't stand credit cards? Does your organization (or you?) want to make a large contribution or one that matches reader contributions?

How to support The Tyee without ever touching your keyboard.

Option 1: Register with your credit card by phone:

Call 604-689-7489 in Vancouver or toll-free at 1-844-301-6677, Monday - Friday, 10 am - 5 pm PST.

Option 2: Send us a cheque:

Cheques can be made out to Countercurrent Media Ltd. and mailed to:

The Tyee
PO Box 28187
West Pender St
Vancouver, BC V6C 3T7

Please include with your cheque your full name, return address, phone number and email, plus indicate whether you would like your contribution to remain anonymous. If you'd like to contribute monthly from your bank account, print off this form and follow the instructions.

How to set-up larger and matching contributions:

Would your organization or business be interested in making a larger contribution? You can do so by cheque as outlined above, or if you're interested in offering a matching contribution, give us a shout. Matching contributions can really help ramp up a campaign, and your organization gets great exposure as a supporter of independent journalism in the process.  If this is you, contact us by email or phone (604-689-7409).

Who are we?

We're an independent, online news magazine from BC. We're devoted to fact-driven reporting and analysis that informs and enlivens our democratic conversation. Our reporting has garnered numerous awards and the respect of our peers and readers. While some journalism gives the last word to power, we try to give the last word to ordinary folks.

Since 2009, Tyee Builders have pitched in to hire a reporter in Ottawa, boost our coverage of provincial and federal election campaigns, and help grow The Tyee while other newsrooms shrink. Please join Tyee Builders and support independent, fact-driven journalism.

Excellence in Journalism Award (CDN), 2013, 2009

Western Magazine Award 2012

Edward R. Murrow Award (NA), 2011, 2009

Webby Honourable Mention (Intl), 2010, 2009

Our vision

Canada is facing major challenges ahead, with a new government that needs to be kept in check. At the same time, our national media is in collapse. Newsrooms continue to shrink and consolidate under the control of fewer and fewer corporations, and there are fewer journalists asking tough questions of those in power. We believe that our democratic conversation is made possible by strong, independent media, who exist first and foremost to serve the needs of its readers.

How you can help

By contributing to The Tyee on a monthly basis, you are helping to strengthen and grow our team of fierce, tough-minded journalists and editors. Tyee Builders who give every month allow our small and nimble team to plan ahead, and produce original stories that you will not see anywhere else. We don’t put our articles behind paywalls, so your contribution helps to keep our stories open and available to everyone.

Join our community

We want to know which issues matter most to you. Energy and environment? Inequality? Electoral reform? When you sign up, you’ll complete a news priority survey that will help inform our reporting. As a special thanks for joining, you’ll receive editorial reports, discounts from partners, random swag giveaways, and discounts on special events and Tyee Master Classes.

With the help of Tyee Builders, we've been able to:

1. Provide independent, reader-funded election coverage

In spring 2015, Tyee Builders contributed generously to a special federal election reporting fund. We produced original news and analysis from across the country, including the Harper Abuse of Power list, a 70-item omnibus article detailing the affronts to democracy perpetrated by the Harper Government. The piece was read by hundreds of thousands of people across the country, and is the most read Tyee article ever.

2. Hire a reporter in Ottawa

In 2013, The Tyee went National with the help of Tyee Builders. Jeremy Nuttall is The Tyee’s man on Parliament Hill, and reports full time from our nation’s capital, completely funded by readers.

In the first few weeks of Jeremy’s arrival, he broke stories on Canada’s cold shoulder to North Korean refugees; Canada’s China pampering lack of support for Hong Kong democracy activists; and the phone call that snagged temp foreign workers for a B.C. McDonald’s after it had been denied. Jeremy also led The Tyee’s 2015 federal election coverage, wedging open cracks in Stephen Harper’s base; giving voice to the veterans denied access to Conservative campaign events; even digging up ironies in Harper’s old Master’s thesis. Find a full list of his reporting here

3. Move towards a sustainable business model for independent media

The Tyee has a unique business model, made up of advertising and event revenue, reader contributions, and (very) patient investment. Every dollar from our readers goes straight into producing high-quality, professional journalism. Together, we’re building a resilient model that makes the needs of readers our top priority.

“I support The Tyee because its reporters are brave, independent and smart as hell — and because now is a critical time to hold government accountable to its promises”

Naomi Klein

The Tyee is grateful for the support of: