- published: 16 May 2016
- views: 153330
Contest may refer to:
Cinco de Mayo Bikini Contest 2016 - MOJO's
Chilli Eating Contest Bath Chilli Festival Sat 26 Sept 2015
GHOST RIDER IS AMAZING!?!? MARVEL: Contest of Champions (iOS/Android)
2015 Nathans Hot Dog Eating Contest
Phoenix Special Moves | Marvel Contest of Champions
Steph Curry Gets EMBARRASSED By Pro Golfer In Shooting Contest
AH Animation Contest - Old Timey Ryan (Entry #9)
LPS: Halloween Costume Contest
Indovina ChiARA! CONTEST - Orion
Mojo's contest 2016 at the annual Cinco de Bike -O event in Central Florida. TBA Bikini Models hosts this epic contest at Mojo's Wings Burgers & Beer. Be sure to attend next year's event! Click the links for more information. http://tbabikinimodels.com/ http://www.getmojod.com/ http://www.primecutpro.com/ http://www.primecutpro.com/
Bath CHILI EATING CONTEST (Challenge) Saturday 26th September 2015 held in the grounds of the University of Bath. Starting off with the Jalapeno to the Serrano we take it easy and then get a little hotter with Scotch Bonnets and habaneros and moving on to the Ghost Pepper do we go further? does the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion and the Carolina Reaper come out... Watch to find out. The Winner: Sid Barber Runner up: Hakun Kimminga aka Hiks Contestants: Tom Wasley, Rachel Holland, Tim Clarkson, Sam Cook, Angela Wierzbicka, Rob Grabowski, Mickey Lewis & Wina Lewis. Filmed on location: University of Bath Bath, BA2 7AY http://www.bath.ac.uk Chillies supplied by The Clifton Chilli Club & The Upton Cheyney Chilli Company http://www.uptonchilli.co.uk £50 Cash Prize from Bath Chilli Festival ht...
READ DESCRIPTION FOR CONTEST DETAILS ATTENTION TO ALL FAST BEATBOXERS: We have partnered with @SonyMobile – we’re on a global hunt for the fastest people in the world to join The #WowOfNow Show. Want to get involved & be in with a chance of winning a big Sony bundle (Sony Xperia, Playstation 4k TV....)? Simply share a video of you in superfast beatbox or any other action using #WowOfNow & #Xperia on INSTAGRAM & TWITTER and you could be in with a chance. For some inspiration, check out what we’ve been up to so far: http://bit.ly/WowOfNowSwissbeatbox
In this episode of MARVEL Contest of Champions we take on the mighty hero with a skull flame head and is known as Ghost rider, this is a new hero in MARVEL Contest of Champions and is amazing!! ►CHANNEL :: http://www.youtube.com/user/londontownn17 ►TWITTER :: https://twitter.com/SGF_Mr_LT ►ROBLOX :: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fE_megkO-0&list;=PLSU_fOCQmipWeXBAnqTAJ7koJtdPzxhWO&index;=1 ►MARVEL Contest of Champions Crystal opening :: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfIdNPDlpRk&index;=1&list;=PLSU_fOCQmipU9G8IyPQSPvAGmgUVgRU-X ►VLOGS :: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDgnqxGQyRI&list;=PLSU_fOCQmipWIDYlIgNT9BNxfTHEV30CE ►HTC VIVE VIRTUAL REALITY :: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DgXZPdySF8&list;=PLSU_fOCQmipVUEt1qYuiIjJUDi7m35hzF ►CHALLENGES :: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bu1EE6...
Good Video? Like/Fav & Share!! Full contest footage via Matt Stonie, of the 2015 Nathans Famous International Hot Dog Eating Contest. Contest is sponsored my Nathans Famous, and sanctioned by Major League Eating. ENJOY!!! Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/megatoad Twitter - @mattstonie Instagram - http://instagram.com/matt_stonie Megatoad Tee's - http://mattstonie.bigcartel.com/ NEW PO BOX!! Send me stuff!!! P.O. Box 22210 San Jose, CA 95151
Subscribe ►► http://bit.ly/SubToFumble You would think a shooting contest between Stephen Curry and golfer Harold Varner would be an easy 'w' for Curry. The reigning 2 time MVP was playing at the Safeway Open of Golf when he and Varner took a break to shoot some hoops. Well, Steph lost actually. Take a look. For the latest in sports - Check out our site: http://www.obsev.com/sports Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheFumble/ Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/FumbleSports Find us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thefumblesports/ The Fumble is sports news for the super fan. We cover everything from the NFL, NBA, MLB, MMA, NHL and every random sporting story in between. We tell you about the history-making plays, what your favorite athletes are up to after-hours,...
Subscribe for more! » http://bit.ly/LetsPlayCommunity Welcome to the Achievement Hunter Animation Contest! Click here for a Playlist of all entries: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmT7ugvfMqrZBVAKE6NRmAW4hZ3rnPq51 Please leave a like on any or all entries that you think are worthy of the AH Animation crown! This entry has been submitted by Dylan H. (Dmann from the Rooster Teeth website) Want to submit your own content? Learn how on the Lets Play Community group page! http://roosterteeth.com/group/lets-play-community Follow us on Twitter! » http://twitter.com/LPcommunity
Hellooo all my lovely giraffes! It is Nicole here with another video! In celebration of October and Halloween coming up, my channel is hosting a LPS costume contest! Vote for who gets voted off! Then, on Halloween the winner will be revealed! VOTE BELOW IN THE COMMENTS #Cyrus #Maggie #Mikey #Piper Thanks For Watching! luv my giraffes
Benvenuti nel contest: INDOVINA CHIARA! dove tre fortunati fra voi potranno vincere una fantastica maglietta Orion - Web Dubbing! Inviate le vostre rappresentazioni reali o immaginarie di Chiara sotto forma di disegno, canzone, cosplay, video o qualsiasi altra cosa all'indirizzo indovinachiara@gmail.com entro il 19 Ottobre alle 24:00, scrivendo vostro nome, cognome, indirizzo e taglia della maglietta. Solo le foto/video/testi/blablabla INVIATI ALL'INDIRIZZO EMAIL VARRANNO. DATECI DENTRO! Per qualsiasi domanda, scriveteci sulla pagina facebook ^^ Canale BIG SHOT 📽: https://goo.gl/8QWW4T 🔶PATREON: https://goo.gl/gCXDco 🔵FACEBOOK: https://goo.gl/N7Lg2I 📷INSTAGRAM:https://goo.gl/GA89IS 💠TELEGRAM: https://goo.gl/2q9cSM 👨👩👦👦GRUPPO FB: https://goo.gl/Mb6j0H
My 8 Month Progression Video!
Miss Cape & Islands BIKINI CONTEST 👏 Thanks for watching. If you like video please 👉 "SUBSCRIBE" - "LIKE" - "SHARE" -"COMMENT"
In this episode we open some crystals.
The Ministry of Unification holds a Unification Culture Contest annually to draw out teenagers'interest regarding reunification. In this segment, we visit the scene of the contest held with participants not only from Seoul, but from Gwangju, Daegu, Busan and even Jejudo Island. 통일의 현장 - 통일 노래자랑 통일부는 청소년들이 통일에 대해 관심을 가질 수 있도록 매년 통일문화 경연대회를 개최하고 있는데요.이번 통일의 현장에서는 서울에서뿐만이 아니라 광주, 대구, 부산 그리고 제주도에서도 참여한 경연현장을 찾아가봤습니다. Visit ‘Arirang Issue’ Official Pages Homepage: http://www.arirang.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/arirangtv Twitter: http://twitter.com/arirangworld Instagram: http://instagram.com/arirangworld
Just a reminder that the deadline for my scratch ticket giveaway is today! I'm buying a whole pack of $5 tickets and 12 people will be picked. It's totally free to enter, you must be 18 years old+! You must be subscribed!
Our website: https://goo.gl/Lqf37x?25120
Lonneke Nouwen in Sweden, Stockholm at the Karolinska Institutet All our exchange students were invited to participate in the 2016 Study Abroad Film Contest. The aim of the contest: Inspire your fellow students to study abroad by capturing your own experience in a short video. Here are four amazing submissions and we are now curious to find out which video inspires you the most. Check out our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/StuderenInHe... and like (to vote for) your favourite Study Abroad video. There will be two awards, a Jury Award and an Audience Award (both worth €100). Your likes on Facebook will decide which contestant wins the Audience Award... so please vote for your favourite video! The winner of the contest will be announced at the end of the second Leiden University ...
Evi Gobbens in Juneau, Alaska: the University of Alaska Southeast through ISEP (International Student Exchange Program) All our exchange students were invited to participate in the 2016 Study Abroad Film Contest. The aim of the contest: Inspire your fellow students to study abroad by capturing your own experience in a short video. Here are four amazing submissions and we are now curious to find out which video inspires you the most. Check out our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/StuderenInHe... and like (to vote for) your favourite Study Abroad video. There will be two awards, a Jury Award and an Audience Award (both worth €100). Your likes on Facebook will decide which contestant wins the Audience Award... so please vote for your favourite video! The winner of the contest will be...
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seatinmol (@Seatinmol) Follow me on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/seatinmol (@Seatinmol) Become a supporter of legends! https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=BQ6EPMMLZDJSU (If you donate let me know in chat and I'll say super nice stuff about you/ read out your message! - I'm not cool enough yet to have donation alerts) Check out more awesome
Who will be the king of the vinesauce .wads? Joel sorts through the best, craziest and weirdest .wads submitted for the contest. Date streamed: 28 Sep , 2016 http://vinesauce.com http://www.twitch.tv/vargskelethor https://twitter.com/vinesauce https://twitter.com/joel_vinesauce For streaming highlights: https://www.youtube.com/user/exinthevatican For full streams: https://www.youtube.com/user/exinthevaticanFULL Like the stream? Draw something for the Vinebooru! http://vinesauce.booru.org/
To enter to win the Baidu PS4 giveaway: 1. Click here using your phone: http://bit.ly/2dCwj6Q 2. To vote for me, click "Help Your Friend" 3. Comment below saying you voted to enter the giveaway! Download the Baidu Du Battery Saver App here: http://bit.ly/2d1gGVD Sponsored by Baidu. LEAVE A "LIKE" IF YOU ENJOYED THE VIDEO :D Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/lolgosu Check out http://www.bestbans.com to know exactly what to ban in each Elo along with every individual account! CHECK OUT MY MERCH SHOP HERE: http://bit.ly/28RohC5 Edited by: https://www.youtube.com/user/dodgedlol Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/mushisgosu Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hiimgosu Want to get better at league fast? Check out http://www.proguides.com Outro Song: BTS - Save Me Arclight Vayne ...
livestream Gameplay of Ghost Rider Pandemonium Rising Master Difficulty Let's Play Marvel Contest of Champions sub here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCieoK5ZzXnVYDPtPdwxGuUw
Live from Stockholm, the Grand Final of the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest. Welcome to the Grand Final of the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest live from the Globe Arena in Stockholm. Tonight 26 nations from Europe and beyond will compete to win the grand price, and the right to host the next edition. The show will be hosted by Petra Mede, who also hosted the contest in 2013 in Malmö, and Måns Zelmerlöw, who won the competition last year with his song Heroes for Sweden. Special guests appearing in the show include Justin Timberlake, Alexander Rybak and Lordi The competitors of this year are: Laura Tesoro from Belgium with What's The Pressure Gabriela Gunčíková from Czech Republic with I Stand Douwe Bob from The Netherlands with Slow Down Samra from Azerbaijan with Miracle Freddie from Hunga...
Lisa Feller präsentierte die Highlights des NDR Comedy Contest im zweiten Halbjahr 2015. Als Stargäste an ihrer Seite: Bernhard Hoecker, Rick Kavanian, Guido Cantz und Hennes Bender. http://www.n-joy.de
Check out the Tournament Playlist: http://bit.ly/2bbLi7U Live Broadcast By VGBootCamp: http://www.twitch.tv/vgbootcamp Subscribe to VGBootCamp's Channel for more Smash Bros. Tournament Matches! Super Smash Con, Aug. 11-14, 2016, Chantilly, VA Follow The Event's Commentators: For Brackets: https://smash.gg/tournament/super-smash-con-2016/brackets Check VGBootCamp and its crew out on other sites: http://www.vgbootcamp.com http://www.facebook.com/VGBootCamp http://www.twitter.com/VGBootCamp http://www.twitter.com/VGBC_GimR http://www.youtube.com/GimR http://www.twitter.com/VGBC_Aposl
Part 2 here https://youtu.be/Gxj3pVhIEjM This Nigerian Nollywood Ghallywood Movie is a 2016 movie is starring : Ngozi Ezeonu, Chika Ike, Olu, its a must watch.. Please remember to subscribe to our channel for Nigerian movies 2016 latest full movies, kindly click the "SUBSCRIBE" button, you can also subscribe to Nollywoodhits by clicking on this link: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Nollywoodhits. Hey Viewers, please dont just watch, tell us your opinions by commenting below about the movie If you appreciate this movie, kindly click the "LIKE" and "SHARE" button on any social media you can lay your hands on Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/NollywoodhitsM Follow us on Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/aforevoenglish/nollywoodhits/ Nollywoodhits the...
2009 Slam Dunk Contest, ft. Dwight Howard, Nate Robinson, J.R. Smith and Rudy Fernandez
Oh, oh
Waiting home with me in you arms
I never thought I'd do that
Take me all the way
And let your body stay
Oh, oh
Take me by the hand
Let me be the man in your arms
I never thought I'd do that
Take me all the way
And let your body stay
Oh, you're gone
Oh, you're gone, you're gone
You're gone to stay
I never thought I'd do that
Take me all the way
And let your body stay
Oh, you're gone
Oh, you're gone, you're gone
You're gone to stay
Ooh, oh
Ooh, oh
Ooh, oh
I need you