- published: 16 Feb 2013
- views: 71221
Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA (初音ミク -Project DIVA-) is a series of rhythm games created by Sega and Crypton Future Media. The games have appeared on the PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Nintendo 3DS, iOS, Sega RingEdge and PlayStation Vita platforms. The series currently consists of 5 main titles and 3 spin-offs. The series primarily makes use of Vocaloids, a series of singing synthesizer software, and the songs created using these vocaloids most notably the virtual-diva Vocaloid Hatsune Miku. The game is the first video game to utilize the Vocaloid software developed by the Yamaha Corporation.
As the game is a rhythm game, players are allowed to choose from a wide variety of Vocaloid songs, original songs sung by vocaloids, including songs sung by Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin and Len. Players also can choose which character they wish to play in the game. Known as modules, these modules can be completely different characters or simply different costumes for the same characters. These modules, though not directly controlled by the player, will be the ones appearing in the music videos throughout the game including their specific costumes. For example, if the player chooses Kagamine Rin for their first character and Hatsune Miku for their second character, during solo songs only Kagamine Rin appears in the video but for duets both Hatsune Miku and Kagamine Rin will appear in the video. Each of the songs have their own difficulties which are Easy, Normal, Hard and Extreme. Initially both the Easy and Normal difficulties of a song are unlocked, upon clearing the Normal difficulty, the Hard difficulty will be unlocked and so forth. Players progress through the game by completing songs and unlocking more new songs until they eventually unlock all songs.
【鏡音リン・レン】えれくとりっく・えんじぇぅ 內嵌中文字幕
えれくとりっく えんじぇぅ ギガp offvocal
Kagamine Rin Len − Electric Angel / 鏡音リン・レン − えれくとりっく・えんじぇぅ
[60fps Full風] リモコン Remote Controller - 鏡音リンレン Kagamine Rin Len Project DIVA English Romaji PDA FT
【鏡音リンレン】BUNKA開放区【MV】/ Bunka Kaihou ku
【鏡音リンレン】鬼KYOKAN【オリジナルMV】/ Oni KYOKAN
【鏡音リンレン】東京ゾンビランド【オリジナルMV/ワンオポ】/[Kagamine Rin,Len]TOKYO ZOMBIE LAND[WANOPO]
【鏡音リンレン】しんでしまうとはなさけない!【MV】/ Shindeshimautowa Nasakenai!
【鏡音リン・レン】Electric・Angel【arrange cover】 轉載自: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm20040564 下載字幕檔(*.srt) https://dl.dropbox.com/u/55351012/Electric%20Angel.srt 下載字幕檔(*.ass 需要字型: 華康少女文字W5) https://dl.dropbox.com/u/55351012/Electric%20Angel.ass --動畫說明文-- ┌(┌^o^)人(^o^┐)┐ 本家: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm1249071 手繪動畫: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm1894085 作詞/作曲:ヤスオ ( http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/5214338 ) Illust/PV:二色鯉 ( http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/19232830 ) 樂曲arrange:ギガ ( http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/7894586 ) 調聲:おればなな ( http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/5843220 ) 2013年3月20日發售的 「EXIT TUNES PRESENTS Vocalotwinkle feat.鏡音リン、鏡音レン」收錄樂曲。 公式網站OPEN!: http://vocalotwinkle.com Amazon: http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B00B4S68ZS --歌詞-- 我喜歡放聲歌唱 並不是因為我是為此而被製造出來的 而是因為我的歌聲 能夠讓你感到高興 除了0與1以外什麼都不知道 你讓這樣的我...
今回はえれくとりっく えんじぇぅ ギガp様アレンジのoffvocalです! この曲offvocalさがしてたんですよね( ☆∀☆) 次回の投稿動画は、halyosy様のconnectingです! そふぃる&せふぃるで歌います! 楽しみにしていてください! 本家サマ http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm20040564
Happy New Year! (*・∀・)/ Happy belated birthday RinLen!! (12/27) オフィシャル Official Song:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1st0XSY0VKQ オフィシャル Official Channel:https://www.youtube.com/user/WANOPOch/featured SEGA Project DIVA Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6FTMCuI9X2ggdMiKFpRukw ( ワンオポ Jiizasu-P じーざすP ジーザスP Wonderful★Opportunity! ワンダフル オプチュニティ RIMOKON PDA FT 鏡音リン 鏡音レン リンレン Rin Len Rin/Len Project DIVA Arcade future tone VOCALOID ボーカロイド ボカロ English lyrics Romaji subtitles アーケード PV鑑賞モード ProjectDIVAArcade外部出力 Dance googoo888 PDA FT Kagamine Rin Kagamine Len
song:じーざすP / Jesus-P @WAN_OPO illustration:グライダー / glider movie:WONDERFUL★OPPORTUNITY! sing:鏡音リン、鏡音レン / Kagamine Rin、Kagamine Len [iTunes] わん☆ぺろ!/ Wanpero! https://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/wanpero/id498202537 [Remix] C++++ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6AsrIvTaoY
Song:じーざすP / Jesus-P Illust:△○□× / Miwashiiba movie:お菊 / Okiku Sing:鏡音リン、鏡音レン / Kagamine Rin,Kagamine Len 【同時投稿】kradness&れをるver.→http://youtu.be/1hD0OdPDgAE ---------------------------------------------------------- 2015/3/4 kradness 2nd album「KRAD MATRiX」に歌い手ver.が収録 詳細は公式HPをチェック!:kradness.jp ----------------------------------------------------------
ヘ(0Д0ヘ) song:じーざすP(@WAN_OPO) Illust:△○□× (mylist/25806743) @miwasiba Movie:お菊(mylist/25801793) @__Lizel ------------------------<info>------------------------ 2015年10月07日(水)発売 ワン☆オポ! メジャー1stアルバム 「ワン☆オポ!THE BEST OF BEST」収録楽曲です! 特典①豪華絵師陣が描く!楽曲缶バッジコレクション 特典②店頭でB2サイズポスター 更には店舗オリジナル特典も! 詳細は公式サイトをチェック!→http://wonopo.extsm.com/ ----------------------------------------------------------
電撃文庫にて小説化します WEB:http://www.wan-opo.com/info/524065 --- song:じーざすP / Jesus-P @WAN_OPO illustration、movie:グライダー / glider sing:鏡音リン、鏡音レン / Kagamine Rin、Kagamine Len [iTunes] ワン☆オポ!vol.06 / WAN★OPO!vol.06 https://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/wanopo!-vol.-06/id588633222