- published: 13 Apr 2015
- views: 2208
Jensen may refer to:
Andrea (/ˈændriə, ˈɑːn-, ɑːnˈdreɪə/) is a given name which is common worldwide, cognate to Andrew.
It is traditionally popular because, according to the Christian Bible, Saint Andrew was one of the earliest disciples of Jesus and one of the twelve Apostles.
It derives from the Greek ἀνήρ (anēr), genitive ἀνδρός (andrós), that indicates the man as opposed to the woman (while man in the meaning of human being is ἄνθρωπος, ánthropos, ἀνθρώπου, anthrópou). The original male Greek name, Andréas, (directly etymologically related to andras/άνδρας, man/adult male, husband) represents the hypocoristic, with endearment functions, of male Greek names composed with the andr- prefix, like Androgeos (man of the earth), Androcles (man of glory), Andronikos (man of victory). The same root ἀνδρ-, andr- denoting the male gender is found e.g. in misandry (the hatred of the male sex), andrology (male physiology), androgens (male hormones) and polyandry (the practice of taking more than one husband at the same time).
To mand i en sofa
Glade Dage Andrea Vagn Jensen
Andrea Vagn
Dronning G. Univers
Ulver Skuli Abildgaard og Andrea Vagn Jensen om HOTEL NELSON
Per Olov Enquist - International Authors' Stage - The Black Diamond
Klassefesten 2 Begravelsen trailer
Look Homeward Angel
HamletScenen Dronning G. Univers
Presentor in plastic dress
Dronning G. Univers er et talkshow om livet midt i livet. Dronning G. spillet af Andrea Vagn Jensen,er HR-chef med store ambitioner, på egne og sine medarbejders vegne, såvel i arbejdslivet som i familielivet.Med humor og et glimt i øjet sætter Dronning G. fokus på vores moderne liv- og sætter samtidig gang i tanker og samtaler omkring grænsefladen mellem arbejds-og familieliv.
PO Enquist on International Authors' Stage talking about his book 'Liknelsesboken' in conversation with Søren Vinterberg - (Danish and Swedish language) Readings by actress Andrea Vagn Jensen The Black Diamond The Royal Library Copenhagen 24 September 2013 Video: http://www.videoakademiet.dk More videos and talks on http://www.densortediamant.dk/online (C) Det Kongelige Bibliotek / The Royal Library
KLASSEFESTEN 2 - BEGRAVELSEN Genre: Komedie Premiere: 6. februar 2014 Rolleliste: Anders W. Berthelsen, Nicolaj Kopernikus, Troels Lyby, Anne Sofie Espersen, Kirsten Lehfeldt, Marie Askehave, Lars Ranthe, Andrea Vagn Jensen Instruktør: Mikkel Serup Synopsis: De tre venner Thomas, Andreas og Niels er igen samlet i KLASSEFESTEN 2. Thomas skal endelig giftes, og Andreas har arrangeret århundredets polterabend...synes han selv. Men et dødsfald under Thomas' polterabend sender de tre venner afsted på en uforglemmelig tur mod en begravelse, de sent vil blive tilgivet for. Speeddating, utroskab og nærdødsoplevelser sætter deres forhold til hinanden gevaldigt på prøve. Spørgsmålet er, om de tre venner kommer helskindet igennem turen og begravelsen - og om de når hjem til Thomas' bryllup i tide. T...
Look Homeward Angel is a challenging journey into both our own identity and that of the African continent. On stage is the charismatic Andrea Vagn Jensen, accompanied by Tiziana Fracchiolla and Samuel Ibanda from Andrea Vagn Jensen danser sig vej til Afrika - Politiken.dk.flv
Dronning G. Univers er et talkshow om livet midt i livet. Dronning G. spillet af Andrea Vagn Jensen,er HR-chef med store ambitioner, på egne og sine medarbejders vegne, såvel i arbejdslivet som i familielivet.Med humor og et glimt i øjet sætter Dronning G. fokus på vores moderne liv- og sætter samtidig gang i tanker og samtaler omkring grænsefladen mellem arbejds-og familieliv.
Klassefesten 3: Dåben Fuld Film besøge og se nu : http://www.moolns.com/ Director: Birger Larsen Writers: Claudia Boderke, Lars Mering Stars: Anders W. Berthelsen, Nicolaj Kopernikus, Troels Lyby Cast Anders W. Berthelsen Anders W. Berthelsen ... Andreas Nicolaj Kopernikus Nicolaj Kopernikus ... Niels Troels Lyby Troels Lyby ... Thomas Other cast: Iben Dorner Iben Dorner ... Vibeke Andrea Vagn Jensen Andrea Vagn Jensen ... Jette Stephania Potalivo Stephania Potalivo ... Nina Pernille Andersen Pernille Andersen ... Rikke Signe Skov Signe Skov ... Lærke Therese Glahn Therese Glahn ... Hanne Nikolaj Steen Nikolaj Steen ... Christian Ditte Maria Le-Fevre Ditte Maria Le-Fevre ... Vera Johanna Brüel Johanna Brüel ... High school student Stin...
Look Homeward Angel is a challenging journey into both our own identity and that of the African continent. On stage is the charismatic Andrea Vagn Jensen, accompanied by Tiziana Fracchiolla and Samuel Ibanda from Andrea Vagn Jensen danser sig vej til Afrika - Politiken.dk.flv
PO Enquist on International Authors' Stage talking about his book 'Liknelsesboken' in conversation with Søren Vinterberg - (Danish and Swedish language) Readings by actress Andrea Vagn Jensen The Black Diamond The Royal Library Copenhagen 24 September 2013 Video: http://www.videoakademiet.dk More videos and talks on http://www.densortediamant.dk/online (C) Det Kongelige Bibliotek / The Royal Library
Andreas is not happy with the way life has treated him since his divorce, especially because his ex-wife, Hanne, has moved on with a successful, good-looking new husband and a newborn baby-girl. To make matters worse for Andreas, the couple has asked him to be the girl’s Godfather and while Andreas agrees to the task, he now needs to show everyone that life is great, even greater than his ex-wife’s is. With just five days to the ceremony, Andreas teams up with his best friends, Niels and Thomas, and visits a singles retreat at a Folk High School. Will they be able to turn over Andreas’ luck, find the perfect girlfriend and make a spectacular entrance in time for the baptism? Release Date 06.10.2016 Danish title Klassefesten 3 - Dåben Country Denmark Language Danish Duration 96 min. Genre...
Film Die Akte General 2016 'Die Akte General' ist ein deutscher Fernsehfilm unter der Regie von Stephan Wagner. Schauspieler: Ulrich Noethen: Fritz Bauer David Kross: Joachim Hell Dieter Schaad: Konrad Adenauer Bernhard Schütz: Hans Globke Nathalie Thiede: Annette Hell Attila Georg Borlan: Dr. Krüger Uwe Bohm: Efraim Ilani Hede Beck: Ilona Schäfer Godehard Giese: Staatsanwalt Steuber Ronald Kukulies: Kunze Lasse Myhr: Thomas Harlan Andrea Vagn Jensen: Anna Maria Karl Knaup: Haim Cohn Frank Röth: Georg-August Zinn Gustav Peter Wöhler: Ludwig Erhard Manfred Möck: Mossad-Agent Uwe Keller: Nachtwächter Handlung: Der hessische Generalstaatsanwalt Fritz Bauer ermittelt 1959 in Frankfurt gegen Verbrecher aus der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus. Dabei gelingt es ihm auch, die Verhaftung Adolf Eich...