Daily Life

Beyonce, hip hop music the latest in string of excuses for Donald Trump's 'pussy' comments

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Of all the excuses flying around for Donald Trump's comments caught on an NBC hot mic and leaked to the public last week, this one might be the wildest and most confused.

According to at least two separate Trump supporters who also happen to be white women, the real culprit when it comes to Trump's statement that, when you're a star like him, women "let you do anything" including grabbing them "by the pussy", is none other than hip hop music.

Beyonce. Photo: Getty Images

Addressing the scandal on CNN, Donald Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson tried to deflect the issue onto the Democrats by saying they are the ones who perpetuate rape culture, because they are supported by the entertainment industry and especially hip hop artists.

"I do quite find it rich that we have Democrats and the left talking about rape culture when they're the ones backed fully by Hollywood," she said. "This rape culture is purported [sic] by none other than the entertainment industry, by none other than hip hop music that you can hear on your local radio."

As CNN political commentator Angela Rye said in response: "This is insane."


But it seems Pierson isn't the only Trump supporter using this line to excuse and deflect his admission to groping women without consent.

Indeed, Republican politician Betsy McCaughey took the insanity even further, specifically referencing Hillary Clinton's admiration for Beyonce who happens to have some explicit lyrical content in her songs.

Forget the fact that Beyonce addresses feminist issues like self-love, rape culture, respect and, of course, race relations in her songs. She also uses the f-word and talks about sex, which is basically on par with a Presidential candidate admitting he sexually assaults women.

"I abhor lewd and bawdy language. I don't listen to rap music," McCaughey said. "I don't like that kind of thing.

"It's full of the f-word, the p-word, the b-word, the a-word...

"Hillary Clinton expresses that she finds the footage on that bus horrific," McCaughey consults her notes, "but in fact she likes language like this; quote: 'I came to slay, bitch; when he eff me good I take his ass to Red Lobster'."

The two black co-panellists laugh as she argues that Hillary Clinton is a hypocrite for criticising Trump, because she "idolises" Beyonce, singer of occasional four-letter words.

Beyonce's legion of fans had a similar reaction.