Daily Life

Sweet news: the anti-sugar message has toned down by half

A life without gelato barely seems worth living.

So it is lucky the message about sugar is getting a more modest makeover. In recent years, the fashion has been absolute sugar abstinence; sugar is the devil and all that, so you don't want to cavort with it at all, lest you get seduced ... and it will seduce you.

Simply swapping sugar-dense drinks for water can halve our intake.
Simply swapping sugar-dense drinks for water can halve our intake. Photo: iStock

It's an understandable response to the evolving body of research linking excess sugar intake to an array of chronic illnesses and the growing obesity epidemic.

The aggressive reaction against sugar has also been, in part, a rejection of the food industry, which we feel has manipulated us; did, after all, pay scientists to downplay the risks of sugar consumption and it does have cunning ways of slipping sugar into our food without us realising.

But a new campaign aims to redress the balance in a way that lets us have our gelato and eat it.

The more moderate message of the SugarByHalf initiative, set up last year by Professor Peter Brukner and public health expert Mei Ling Doery, is as the name suggests – there's no need to quit sugar, just halve your intake.


Brukner and Doery were inspired to start the initiative to combat obesity, after realising the common thread in various confusing dietary messages is that reducing sugar will help our health and our waistlines.

SugarByHalf has attracted the support of leading health professionals in Australia and names including Commando Steve, Shane Watson and That Sugar Film guy Damon Gameau.

For his 2014 documentary, Gameau consumed the equivalent of 40 teaspoons of sugar a day to see what happened. His intake came in the form of many so-called healthy foods, including low-fat yoghurt, fruit juice, cereals and muesli bars.

After 60 days of guinea-pigging, he had put on weight, was diagnosed with an "unstable" mental state and had begun to develop fatty liver disease.

He insists, however, that he is "certainly not extreme" about sugar. In fact, his two-year-old daughter Velvet "absolutely loves chocolate".

"Sometimes she wakes up in the morning and says, 'Daddy, chocolate?' " admits the 39-year-old, who says he has the "odd dessert" himself.

Gameau said the message of the movie – to create awareness of how much sugar we are unwittingly swallowing, how it is disguised and the harm it is causing – was "swamped" by stronger anti-sugar messages that were gaining traction.

"We never, ever said anti-sugar," Gameau says. "If people are told not to have something, it doesn't work. So let's get Australians to first halve their sugar ... the amount of sugar we're having is causing the damage. A small amount is fine."

Dietitian Rosemary Stanton agrees. "This idea that you can't have a grain of sugar is quite ridiculous," she says. "SugarByHalf is really quite sensible."

A sensible approach is perhaps what is needed to engage the 63 per cent of Australian adults and one-quarter of Australian children who are overweight or obese.

Cutting sugar consumption in half (from the average of about 16 teaspoons a day for adults and about 20 for teenagers) doesn't need to be complicated. Especially when our options are complicated enough.

Since Stanton began practising 50 years ago, she says the main change she has seen is the "huge" expansion of the food supply.

"There were about 600 or 800 [items] when I grew up. The average supermarket now is stocking about 30,000," says Stanton, who would like to see regulation of food marketing to children. "There is a huge amount of drinks and confectionary and it's been normalised to have these things every day."

We've gone to this "crazy extreme", she says, at both ends of the spectrum, with the amount of sugar we're consuming (between 35 and 40 per cent of our entire daily energy intake comes from junk food) and, in reaction, the absolute exorcism of it.

We don't, thankfully, need an extreme makeover to help our health and also improve rates of tooth decay, which are currently more than 50 per cent among Australian children.

A modest makeover will do and it doesn't necessarily involve sacrificing sugar – or gelato.

Simply having a treat once a week, swapping the junk for whole foods and looking at our liquids can help us to achieve the aim of SugarByHalf.

"About 52 per cent of all the sugar we consume comes from drinks," Stanton said. "They need to be cut out. If we did that alone, we'd cut half our intake."