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You don't have to be a "Neutron Jack" to succeed as CEO, the study shows. Alas, only fretful neurotics are less likely ...

Nice CEOs do finish first, study shows

You don't have to be a "Neutron Jack" Welch to succeed at the helm, a new study shows. Unfortunately only fretful neurotics are less likely to find themselves in the C-suite than nice people.

The September import reversal raised questions over the strength of the recent recovery in domestic demand, Julian ...

China exports fall more than expected, imports shrink

​China's September exports fell 10 per cent from a year earlier, far worse than expected, while imports unexpectedly shrank 1.9 per cent after picking up in August, suggesting signs of steadying in the world's second-largest economy may be short-lived.

Wayne Swan

Wayne Swan doubles down on BHP tax evasion accusations

Former treasurer Wayne Swan is doubling down down on his allegations that BHP Billiton has been evading taxes for more than a decade and misleading the government about it, repeating his comments in the public sphere after first using parliamentary privilege to go after the mining giant.

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