About the Collection
Reproductions & digital prints

Reproduction requests | Purchasing prints

Requesting images for reproductions

To order images of works of art in the Gallery's collection for reproduction purposes, please download and complete the Reproduction Request Form and return it to the Rights & Permissions Officer (see contact details below).

Reproduction request form (535 kb)

Copyright permission

For reproductions of copyrighted works of art, the Gallery will provide contact details (if known) of the copyright holder so that applicants may obtain appropriate copyright permission. Evidence of such permission must be forwarded to the Rights  & Permissions Officer prior to publication. Any copyright fees requested by copyright holders are the responsibility of the applicant and are additional to the Gallery's fees for the supply and reproduction of images. The Gallery accepts no responsibility for images reproduced without the copyright holder's permission.

Moral rights

All image reproductions must be accompanied with appropriate acknowledgements and credits, as provided by the Gallery. Reproductions must also show due consideration for the artist's reputation and the integrity of the work of art. Failure to meet these requirements may constitute infringement of an artist's moral rights. Further information regarding Australia's moral rights legislation can be found at the Australian Copyright Council.

Private research & study

To order images of works of art from the Gallery's collection for private research and study purposes, please download and complete the Private Research & Study form and return it to the Rights & Permissions Officer (see contact details below).

Private Research & Study form (441 kb)


An invoice will be issued, if applicable, upon receiving the appropriate form. The invoice must be paid in full before image material is dispatched to the applicant.

Fee Schedule (158 kb)

Delivery times

The Gallery endeavours to supply image material in a timely fashion to meet the applicant's deadline. The following caveats, however, must be taken into account when placing an order for image material:

Existing image material: Images produced from existing image material can take up to 4 weeks to complete.

New photography: New photography of works of art can take up to 12 weeks to complete.

Deadlines: Due to variable circumstances, heavy workloads and schedules, the Gallery cannot warrant that the delivery of image material will meet your deadline if the lead time is less than 4 weeks for images produced from existing image material or less than 12 weeks for images that require new photography.

Publishers are strongly advised to allow sufficient time in their publication schedules for the checking and approval of proof prints.

Pablo Picasso Visage (face) 1928 National Gallery of Australia, Canberra Felix Man Collection, Special Government Grant 1972 © Pablo Picasso. Licensed by Succession Picasso & VISCOPY, Australia

Pablo Picasso  Visage (face) 1928 National Gallery of Australia, Canberra  Felix Man Collection, Special Government Grant 1972  © Pablo Picasso/Succession Picasso. Licensed by Viscopy more detail

Bridgeman Images

Since 2009, the Gallery has been working with Bridgeman Images to provide a range of selected images for overseas publishers and clients. The images currently available through Bridgeman Images can be viewed here:

Note: Overseas publishers and clients who wish to order images through Bridgeman Images do not need to submit the Reproduction Request Form.

Contact details

Rights & Permissions Officer
GPO Box 1150
Canberra ACT 2601
phone +61 2 6240 6481
fax +61 2 6240 6676
email copyright@nga.gov.au