
Chris Waller leans to Sacred Master over Preferment in the Caulfield Cup

In some ways for Chris Waller, Preferment has been a dream horse from the time he got him, but going into Saturday's Caulfield Cup the trainer reckons his best chance does not lie with the four-time group 1 winner and Australian stayer of the year.

A winner of the Turnbull Stakes, the Australian Cup and The BMW last season, Preferment is the topweight in the great handicap but, when pushed about his chances, Waller suggests his other chance, Newcastle Cup winner Sacred Master, with only 51kg might be his best hope at a juicy $26.

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"For Preferment, this is the best option we have for him at the moment. He has been disappointing in the Hill Stakes and Turnbull Stakes in the lead-up but he has earned his weight," Waller said. "Sacred Master I think has a pretty good chance. He is in form and loves dry track."

That is the realist coming out in Waller. You can have your favourites, such as Preferment, but there is a reason why there has been enough money for Sacred Master since the barrier draw to see the bookies wind him in from $34 to $26.  

The form suggests Preferment isn't at his peak, while Sacred Master is emerging. Waller

is happy to have Tommy Berry taking the ride on Sacred Master, which struggled on the wet track to start his campaign but has improved on firm ground and drawn well with barrier eight.


"He has had a tough preparation and I think you need a tough preparation to win a Caulfield Cup," Waller said. "He was good when he won the Newcastle Cup and in the Metropolitan, where he was fourth, he just got too far back and really found the line.

"Tommy knows him well and I think he is going to run out the 2400m and from gate eight he can be closer in the race."

Chris Waller with stable favourite Preferment.
Chris Waller with stable favourite Preferment. Photo: Getty Images

But for Waller, Preferment holds a special place. He was bought to challenge in the staying races around the country and has delivered. He broke his maiden by winning a Victoria Derby then, as a four-year-old, proved a superior stayer.

He is bred from the most famous staying lines in New Zealand and it is a legacy Waller is excited to be a part of.

"He is by Zabeel and that has made him special to me," Waller said. "When I started by my career, I couldn't afford Zabeels.

"I missed out on the Zabeel revolution by a couple of years but to get one at the end his career was great for me and what he has done. We bought him with the idea of being a good stayer and that's what he has been."

Preferment has proven tough and the BMW showed that in its rawest form. Hugh Bowman, who rides him on Saturday, memorably won that 2400m group 1 by taking off at the 800m and outstaying, and outdefying, his rivals.

"That was a pretty special ride and a pretty special day for me," Waller said. "It is the biggest staying race at Rosehill, my home track, and to see him win was special. But his form leading into the race has been up to that. We have tried to freshen him for Saturday and try something different but we know he is a good horse." Â