
Smoking Samsung phone prompts US plane evacuation

An overheating, smoking Samsung smartphone has forced the evacuation of a Southwest Airlines jet that was preparing to take off in the US, with reports indicating the phone was a new Galaxy Note7 issued as a replacement following a global recall.

The incident raises fresh trouble for the Korean phone-maker, which was forced to to make the recall last month because of overheating batteries.

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Samsung recalls Galaxy Note 7

The electronics giant has recalled all Galaxy Note 7 smartphones equipped with batteries that are fire-prone.

Samsung, Southwest and US federal aviation safety officials declined to confirm that the phone was a new Note7, saying they were still investigating.

But an Indiana woman, Sarah Green, told The Courier-Journal of Louisville that the phone in question was her husband's.

The Samsung Galaxy Note7.
The Samsung Galaxy Note7. Photo: Getty Images

Green told the newspaper that her husband, Brian, received the replacement Note7 about two weeks ago. He called her from someone else's phone to tell her what happened.

Tech website The Verge got in touch with Brian Green, who said the phone was indeed a replaced Note7 which, according to Samsung, should not be affected by the battery issue. Green said he had just powered the phone down when "thick grey-green angry smoke" begun to pour out of it.


After Samsung agreed to recall the Galaxy Note7, air safety authorities took the unusual step of warning passengers not to use or charge the devices while on board and not to stow them in checked luggage.

Flight attendants on many airlines added a warning about the Samsung device to their pre-flight safety demonstrations.

However, the advisory did not apply to the replacement Note7s, which have a green battery icon.

Samsung said in a statement that it could not confirm that the latest incident involved a new Note7. Samsung said it is working with authorities to recover the device and confirm the cause of overheating.

The mishap occurred while the Southwest plane with 75 passengers and crew members prepared to fly from Louisville to Baltimore. Fire Captain Sal Melendez said the device overheated during the crew's safety demonstration.

Southwest Airlines spokesman Brad Hawkins said a passenger reported smoke coming from a Samsung device and that everyone got off the plane through the main cabin door.

No one was injured in the evacuation, but the plane's carpet suffered minor damage where the phone was dropped, fire officials said.