

Musician Bob Dylan was awarded the Nobel prize in literature.

Bob Dylan wins Nobel prize in literature

Bob Dylan has won the Nobel Prize in literature "for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition," the Swedish Academy said on Thursday in awarding the 8 million Swedish crown prize.

Rapper 360 slays government ads targeting ice abuse

Addiction: Rapper 360 aka Matthew Colwell has written a song about his ordeal.

Australian rapper 360 has revealed his own battled with drugs, saying methamphetamine, commonly known as ice, has been the hardest to beat and watching Victorian government anti-ice television campaigns only makes him itch for more.

Sydney's top gigs

Ratcat in the '90s (from left) Andrew Polin, Simon Day and Marc Scully.

From indie-rockers Ratcat to singer-songwriter Jack Colwell, we have live music covered.

Sticky Carpet

The Delta Riggs have shows at the Corner on October 20 and 21.

Sticky Carpet: the Delta Riggs, Kyneton Music Festival, Parquet Courts, the Barebones and more.

EG album reviews

Lost Animal, You Yang.

EG album reviews: The Peep Tempel, Harry Howard & the NDE, Beth Hart, Jagwar Ma and Lost Animal.

Five weeks in a canvas boat

Glen Hansard has made a great new album, <i>Didn't He Ramble</i>.

Finally learning some lessons about songwriting, and life, after 30 years as a musician has turned Irishman Glen Hansard into somebody new.

Sydney's top gigs

The Jezabels (from left) Sam Lockwood, Hayley Mary, Heather Shannon and Nik Kaloper have regrouped after a tough year.

From the Jezabels and the Superjesus to a David Bowie tribute, we have live music covered.