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Autumn Fund Drive Time


The weather's cooling (or it's supposed to be), the autumn sunlight is wafting, and KPFK is in it's traditional

Fall Fund Drive

$374,975 $550,000 in 22 days 13 days

+ $20,154 for Haitian hurricane relief

Wednesday, Day 9, noon: $13,556
Tuesday, Day 8: $29,978
Monday, Day 7, noon: $14,963

Sunday, Day 6: $15,321
Saturday, Day 5: $9,140
Friday, Day 4: $19,543
Thursday, Day 3: $26,594
Wednesday, Day 2: $26,890
Tuesday, Day 1: $19,040

1283 of you have contributed! (with a special welcome to the 288 first-timers)


If you're with us, we can make this by October 25, in time for you to celebrate Halloween and the elections.

We're asking you to help us reach $550,000. That's $25,000 a day. Take a moment to think what your favorite KPFK show means to you, and let us know with your donation. If you missed your favorite gift, you can still find it and make your donation at, or save us some money and contribute without a gift at Paypal.

Thanks for caring about your KPFK 90.7FM.


Time to Vote!


The KPFK delegate election is extended to Monday, October 10th, at 12PM (noon) Pacific Time.

If you have not already received a ballot and believe you are eligible, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or call 818-985-2711 x252. 

We are no longer able to take requests for paper ballots to be printed and mailed to eligible voters, but can still process requests for online voting. Members need to contact the Local Elections Supervisor personally and provide information about their membership if at all possible. 

For more information, please visit A list of candidates and their statements can be found on the KPFK candidates and statements page at Thank you for your support for KPFK. Don't forget to vote!


Tonight, Monday October 3 at 8:30 PM, the English/Spanish Bilingual LSB Candidate Forum will be aired KPFK 90.7 FM...


Moderated by the LES-Local Station Supervisor Daniel Lee and

Translation by Oscar Ulolla (Moderator)


Don't miss this opportunity to hear the candidates one more time.


If you missed our candidate forums, they're on our archives: Thursday, September 15 at 7:00PM for the 7:00 and 8:00 forums; Wednesday, September 14 at 7:00PM and 8:00PM (continues through 8:30); Tuesday, September 13 at 7:00PM; and Monday September 12 at 8:00PM.It's election time here at KPFK. If you donated $25 or more between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016, you should be getting a ballot for the Local Station Board in the mail. Go ahead and vote NOW, while you're thinking of it. Be part of the only democratic radio foundation we know of.

LATW 10/14/16 "Next Fall" Starring Julie White


"NEXT FALL" (Part 1) Starring Julie White, Patrick Breen, Maddie Corman, Jeremy Webb

One-Hour pledge drive edition, Friday, October 14, 2016, 9:00 pm - 10:00 pm (available as a premium, part of LATW Pack of Audio Plays)

In this Tony-nominated play, Adam and Luke are long-term partners with very different views on salvation. But when Luke is hospitalized in a tragic accident, Adam must come face-to-face with Luke’s faith…and his family. Starring members of the original Broadway cast. Featuring: Julie White, Patrick Breen, Maddie Corman, Patrick Heusinger, Sam McMurray, Jeremy Webb.  Includes a conversation with Dr. Sharon Groves, the Director of the Religion and Faith Program for the Human Rights Campaign in Washington, D.C.

Next Fall


Enfoque Latino y Nuestra Voz 10-06: "Mentira Histórica. Estado de impunidad, impunidad de Estado", Documental Mirar Morir, el Ejército en la noche de Iguala, Rock, Punk y Solidaridad, Entrevista con cantante Angel Ng



En vivo desde los estudios de KPFK Radio Pacífica Los Ángeles 90.7 FM / Santa Bárbara 98.7 FM, Ridgecrest / China Lake 99.5 FM / Norte de San Diego 93.7 FM o en tiempo real y podcast en 


Has tu donativo llamando al: 818-985-5735 

Siguenos en: FacebookTwitter, Instagram, YouTube & This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Jueves 06 de octubre de 2016

8:30 pm - 11:00 pm - Enfoque Latino y Nuestra Voz presentan:

a) Paquete Mentira Histórica: Contiene el libro "Mentira Histórica. Estado de impunidad, impunidad de Estado", del periodista y escritor Témoris Grecko. También incluye el libro profundiza la tesis central del documental "Mirar Morir: el Ejército en la noche de Iguala". La responsabilidad del Ejército mexicano en la desaparición de los 43 estudiantes normalistas en Iguala, Guerrero. Lo complementa "Canto por Ayotzinapa", una recopilación de más de 20 canciones dedicadas a la constante busqueda de los padres y madres por saber del paradero de los estudiantes. Suscripción $75 

Entrevista con el periodista y escritor Témoris Grecko sobre su más reciente libro "Mentira Histórica. Estado de impunidad, impunidad de Estado".

b) El documental de hora y media "Mirar Morir, el Ejército en la noche de Iguala", revela el rol del Ejército mexicano en la desaparición de los 43 normalistas de Ayotzinapa. Es producido por el colectivo de peridostas, fotógrados, documentalistas y escritores mexicanos Ojos de Perro contra la Impunidad, que de manera voluntaria sumaron talentos para elaborar este trascendental video reportaje de una hora y media de duración. Suscripción $30.

c) Concierto de Rock, Punk y Solidaridad con Leonardo Peltier. Son más de 5 horas de música y solidaridad con uno de los presos políticos con más de cuatro décadas encercelado injustamente en Estados Unidos. La música estará acargo de Kill the Bullfigther, Aztlán Underground y Rebel Family. Habrá proyección de imágenes de video, comida, bebida, rifas y mucha camaradería.

El evento será en el estacionamiento de KPFK, el sábado 8 de octubre, de 6 a 11PM. Suscripción de $25 dólares (dos boletos).

d) Canto por Ayotzinapa: un CD con más de 20 canciones y poemas de lucha, dolor y esperanza en la busqueda de los 43 normalistas. *CD incluido con su donativo

e) Entrevista en vivo con Angel Ng, cantante de opera, boleros y rancheras, hija de padres inmigrantes, sobre su gran pasión musical y que promueve su enorme talento a tan corta edad en Los Angeles.  

f) ¿Qué tiene Colombia que hacer después del "no" en el plebiscito por la paz? Existen 5 posibles escenarios que tiene el país colombiano para lograr los acuerdos de paz.

g) Promoviendo la slaud a través de la música y recaudación.

Llanos al (818) 985-5735 estará a su disposición. ¡Gracias y por favor pase la voz!


Síganos en redes sociales: FacebookTwitter, Instagram, Youtube y This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Hosts: Leonardo Lorca, Rosario Vigil, Lili López Sunn, Freya Rojo, Rubén Tapia, Ricardo Hernández, Gloria Arjona.
Coordination: Lili López Sunn, Alejandra Conde
Production: Freya Rojo, Leonardo Lorca, Lili López Sunn, Ricardo Hernández, Rubén Tapia, Gloria Arjona

2016 Expenses

People want to know where the money goes when they give to KPFK, so here it is, where your money goes (and why need your ongoing support):

A/C and heating maintenance


Bank charges


Caging costs and credit card fees


Central services (Pacifica Foundation)


Computer supplies, updates, and maintenance


Copying and copier rental


Earthquake insurance




Employee benefits


Fire alarm system


Fund drive expenses


News services


Office supplies


Pacifica Radio Archives




Payroll taxes




Production supplies


Professional Fees






Shipping and shipping supplies


Station maintenance


Station utilities




Taxes and fees


Technical maintenance


Telephone service


Thank-you gifts


Tower maintenance


Tower utilities


Transmission translators




Current Regular Monthly Operating Expenses



LATW 10/7/16 Eugene O'Neill's "Anna Christie" starring Stacy Keach, Alison Elliot, Alley Mills


EUGENE O'NEILL'S PULITZER PRIZE-WINNING DRAMA "ANNA CHRISTIE" (Part 1) Starring Stacy Keach, Alison Elliot and Alley Mills

Special One-Hour Edition, Friday, October 7, 2016, 9:00 - 10:00 pm (Available as a premium, part of LATW Pack Of Plays)

The passion of a coal barge captain’s daughter and a rough-hewn sailor takes a tumultuous turn when her secret past is revealed. Nobel laureate Eugene O’Neill won the second of his four Pulitzer Prizes for this classic play. Featuring Stacy Keach, Alison Elliot, Dwier Brown, Scott Lowell and Alley Mills.  Includes a piece on the sea shanty “My Yosephine” that is featured in the play. Directed by Eric Simonson. Recorded before a live audience at the Skirball Cultural Center, Los Angeles.

Anna Christie

Enfoque Latino 09 -29-2016: Tomás Gómez Membreño en el estudio, Encuentro en la Línea Fronteriza, Apoyo a padres de Ayotzinapa, Mirar Morir en  Cal State San Bernardino



En vivo desde los estudios de KPFK Radio Pacífica

Los Ángeles 90.7 FM / Santa Bárbara 98.7 FM, Ridgecrest / China Lake 99.5 FM / Ocean Side 93.7 FM o en tiempo real y podcast en


Participe llamando al: 818-985-5735, FacebookTwitter y This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Jueves 29 de septiembre de 2016 

Enfoque Latino presenta:

10:00 pm – 11:00 pm - Enfoque Latino con Madelou González, Sergio Quintana y Rubén Tapia:
a) Tomás Gómez Membreño, defensor de Derechos Humanos hondureño , nos visita en el estudio

b) Detalles del Encuentro en la Línea Fronteriza;  Arizona – Sonora

c) Ante indolencia oficial mexicana se fortalece apoyo a padres de Ayotzinapa y demanda de verdad y justicia.

d) Un éxito la presentación global de Mirar Morir. Sigamos derrotando la mentira histórica. Próxima presentación 13 de octubre en  Cal State San Bernardino.  
Esto y mucho más... 

Envíanos un mensaje a través de las redes sociales en Facebook y Twitter: @EnfoqueLatino / Facebook: Enfoque KPFK

email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Participe llamando al: 818-985-5735 y FacebookTwitter y This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Locutores: Leonardo Lorca, Lili López Sunn, Freya Rojo, Rubén Tapia, Ricardo Hernández, María de Lourdes González, Sergio Quintana
Coordinación: Betty Tapia
Producción: Rubén Tapia, Freya Rojo, Leonardo Lorca, Lili López-Sunn, Sergio Quintana
Sintoniza toda la programación en español de lunes a jueves de 8 pm - 12 am y sábados de 6 pm a 8 pm

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  1. American Indian Airwaves Rundown 09/29/2016

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KPFK LSB, CAB and Committee Schedule

Pacifica Foundation Bylaws amendments have been approved and are found on the Foundation's website at

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