
Papon and the killing of 200 Algerians in Paris during 1961

Paris massacre of Algerians, 1961

A short history of the massacre of scores of Algerians in Paris on 17 October 1961 under the command of a Nazi-collaborating chief of police.

New trial over Stefano Cucchi’s death in custody

Ilaria Cucchi, Stefano’s sister, showing a photo of her brother’s body.

Legal reports claim Stefano Cucchi's death was due to epilepsy; he died covered in bruises with multiple fractures and injuries to internal organs after his arrest.

Snitches, stings, and leaks: how “Immigration Enforcement” works - Corporate Watch

An immigration raid

A detailed report into the functioning of the immigration enforcement system in the UK, following high-profile raids at Deliveroo and Byron burgers.

No Cause for Police Alarm

A. J. BAKER's article is reproduced from the Bulletin of the Libertarian Society of Sydney University, and follows recent revelations of irregularities among the New South Wales police.

I've Dislodged a Bit of Brick

DONALD ROOUM, born in Bradford, 1928, is a typographer and. cartoonist who wrote on Freedom of Access in ANARCHY 17.

The laughter of Inspector Rowley

IAN SAINSBURY is a 37-year-old Irishman living in Sheffield, whose article "How to sell your way to slavery" appeared in ANARCHY 26.

Deadly silence: black deaths in custody

David Oluwale

A detailed study of deaths of people of colour in custody in the UK, published in 1991.

The Oakland police cannot be reformed

The Oakland Police cannot be reformed partly because reformers are not even willing to fight for incremental change

Undercover police within the social movements

A brief look at the infiltration into political groups by the Special Demonstration Squad (SDS), an undercover unit of the British police's Special Branch. The SDS used relationships with women activists to help give credibility to their false identities which were often created with use of dead children's names.

Crime becomes custom, custom becomes crime - Trevor Bark

A political analysis of the nature of crime. We have significant disagreements with the author but reproduce this text reference. Part of the text is readable below, however some is missing. The full text is in the PDF, attached.