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WAI: Strategies, guidelines, resources to make the Web accessible to people with disabilities

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Working Group (WCAG WG)

Page Contents


No announcements at the moment.

WCAG WG Meetings

The WCAG WG meets Tuesdays from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm Eastern Time (UTC 15:00 to 16:30 during Standard Time; UTC 16:00 to 17:30 during Daylight Time). To find what time this is in your region, please consult the world clock time zone converter.

Teleconferences are conducted via WebEx. You may join using computer audio or request a dialout to a phone number of your choice using the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Meeting online, entering the password sent in the agenda. If you need to dial into the phone service, dial +1-617-324-0000 and enter passcode 642 418 206 (autodial: +1-617-324-0000,,,642418206#).

We use IRC during meetings and for discussion during the week. This channel is only for members of the Working Group. IRC server: irc.w3.org:6665, channel #wai-wcag. More info about irc is available from IRC help.

Minutes from previous meetings are available.

Current Work

WCAG 2.0

Editors' sources for the WCAG specifications are maintained in the W3C WCAG GitHub repository. GitHub users can watch this repository and send pull requests.


Understanding WCAG 2.0

Techniques for WCAG 2.0

Applying WCAG 2.0 to Non-Web Information and Communications Technologies (WCAG2ICT)

Testing WCAG 2.0

The Test Samples Development Task Force previously developed some preliminary tests.

Translations of WCAG 2.0

Translations of WCAG 2.0 have been undertaken to increase awareness and facilitate feedback on the drafts. The WCAG 2.0 translations page lists translations that are available at this time.

WCAG 1.0


The following documents are not published by the WCAG WG but the Working Group is involved in the development of content.


The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Working Group (WCAG WG) is to develop guidelines to make Web content accessible for people with disabilities. Work of the WCAG WG is in accordance with the W3C Process. WCAG WG work is funded in part by the WAI Core 2015 Project and WCAG TA Project. The work of this group does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the funders.

Chair and Contacts


Current WCAG WG charter


The Working Group follows the procedures in its decision policy to record consensus.

Task Forces

The Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force (COGA TF) will draft proposed guidance and techniques to make web content, content authoring, and user agent implementation accessible and more useable by people with cognitive and learning disabilities.

The Low Vision Accessibility Task Force (LVTF) will draft proposed guidance and techniques to make web content, content authoring, and user agent implementation accessible and more useable by people with low vision.

The Mobile Accessibility Task Force (Mobile A11Y TF) will produce techniques, understanding and guidance documents as well as updates to existing related W3C / WAI material that addresses the mobile space.

Mailing Lists

When using the WCAG WG mailing list:

  1. Treat other list members with respect.
  2. Keep comments within the scope of this group (see WCAG WG Charter).
  3. When raising an issue:
    • provide a clear subject line including the checkpoint(s) it relates to;
    • explain the issue briefly;
    • propose a brief & specific solution;
    • for longer comments, put a summary at the beginning.
  4. When replying:
    • keep your reply comments near the top of a message;
    • only quote essential parts of a previous message;
    • if there are multiple topics, break them into separate emails to facilitate threading and to keep the subject line accurate.
  5. Please send any questions about the WCAG WG mailing list itself to the Chairs or Team Contact, not the whole list.
  6. No soliciting.


Patent Disclosures

W3C maintains a public list of any patent disclosures made in connection with the deliverables of the group; that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent.