The Medical Association for Prevention of War (Australia) works for the elimination of all weapons of mass destruction and the prevention of armed conflict. We promote peace through research, advocacy, peace education and partnerships. Please use our many resources on nuclear weapons, power and waste, peace and conflicts.

Our professional not-for-profit organisation has branches across Australia, and works globally through the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War. Please consider joining us, or supporting our work with a donation.

Recent News

MAPW National Conference -Free Registration now open

It’s all about war…

Farewell Dr Bill Williams

Dear Friends,

No Airport Arms Advertisements Campaign - Bulletins

This new series of bulletins explores many aspects of the global arms trade, including its participants, its promotion, its victims, and some of the lessons of history. The information is very relevent to Canberra and its identity.

Hiroshima & Nagasaki remembered : call for a nuclear weapons ban



MAPW supports Doctors4Refugees High Court Action

3rd August 2016

The Medical Association for Prevention of War (MAPW) strongly endorses the High Court challenge to the secrecy provisions of the Border Force Act launched last week by the organisation Doctors for Refugees.

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