Many of UNDP's relationships with countries and territories on the ground exceed 50 years.
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On September 25, 2015, world leaders heeded the call of the Secretary General and adopted the seventeen (17) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to shape the Post-2015 Development Agenda until the year 2030. The success of the SDGs depend heavily on local prioritisation of the Goals; inclusive and...
Ladies and gentlemen, it is no secret that investing in human capital is a key ingredient for any country’s success, development and sustainability. Over 18 percent of today’s global population is between 15 to 24 years of age, and increasingly they are demanding more and better opportunities; good education; and...
A series of key stakeholder consultation meetings were conducted to find and expedite effective ways of dealing with the Sargassum crisis that has affected many coastal communities in T&T.; The discussions with the stakeholders also focused on the possible development of a National Sargassum Response Plan and...
Excellences, Media colleagues, Ladies and gentlemen, I'm very happy to be here today, marching with you to support the need for immediate actions to address climate change. First of all though, I would like to thank all of you taht have proved instrumental in helping improve, maintain and rehabilitate the precious...
In 1985, the United Nations General Assembly designated 5th December – International Volunteer Day (IVD), as a day towards the annual celebration of voluntary actions by people, communities and governments of the world. On this day volunteers of all walks of life, working in communities around the globe promote...
Welcome I started my career 25 years ago working in Local Government, I learnt a lot and achieved a lot and it made me understand that it though local government that citizens received good or bad services. The UNDP is pleased with the ARIAL Project’s objective to promote political recognition and engagement of...
The UN approach to justice for children involves ensuring that they are better served and protected by justice systems. Rule of law initiatives must pay greater attention to children. Interventions should also ensure we respect the rights of children, and protect and preserve their dignity at all times. For...
In primary and secondary schools all across Trinidad and Tobago students are being educated about the environment; issues and solutions. The question is, how to keep young minds conscious of the issues surrounding environmental change. Students and teachers of Parvati Girls’ Hindu College in Debe, South Trinidad...