From "the end of history," to lots of history to come -- Francis Fukuyama on the collapse of the New World Order:

In 1989, the political scientist said liberal democracy signalled ‘the end of history’. He looks at the nationalist politics now reshaping the west

Coming soon: Trump is planning to end US-backed regime change in Syria. The best news yet.

US President-elect Donald Trump has confirmed that he will most likely abandon the Obama administration policy on Syria to seek a possible rapprochement with Russia on the issue of Assad.
Some of the anti-Trump protests in the US have been organized by groups that were sponsored by Clinton sympathizer and billionaire George Soros.

"Poor liberals, for years you have toiled in vain for the betterment of humanity. Martyring yourselves for the greater good, you have attained a new level of sophistication and moral superiority, the likes of which we may never see again. It makes me weep such tears of bitterest woe, seeing your saintly queen of benevolence, fail to be anointed Queen Mass Murderer of The Planet Earth." Read more below:

Poor liberals, for years you have toiled in vain for the betterment of humanity. Martyring yourselves for the greater good, you have attained a new level of sophistication and moral superiority, t…

There are already some excellent essays out there (mostly in CounterPunch), on why Donald Trump won. But this one, by a Trump supporter (the kind the media never let us hear), is by far the sharpest and most important:

"How did this happen?!" they cry. You want to know how this happened? You want to know *how America resorted to bigotry and racism*? You want to...

Not an endorsement of the Washington Post (which will otherwise never be cited here), but remember this headline:

Higher education is isolated, insular and liberal. Average voters aren't.

The well-deserved failure of Democratic elitism:

"I think of the lawmakers, the consultants, the operatives, and—yes—the center-left media, and how everything said over the past few years leading up to this night was bullshit...Every power-hungry young Democrat fresh out of law school, every rising lawmaker, every old friend of the Clintons wanted a piece of the action. This was their ride up the power chain. The whole edifice was hollow, built atop the same unearned sense of... inevitability that surrounded Clinton in 2008....The voters of the party got taken for a ride by the people who controlled it, the ones who promised they had everything figured out and sneeringly dismissed anyone who suggested otherwise. They promised that Hillary Clinton had a lock on the Electoral College. These people didn’t know what they were talking about....The ace ground game, the brilliant ad-makers, the top Hollywood talent, and the best analytics operation ever assembled? This was all a joke."

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The Democrats will now control next to nothing above the municipal level. Donald Trump will be president. We are going to be unpacking this night for t ...

Really, what can I say?

Trump often emerges on stage from behind a dark navy curtain. That is a symbolically rich move, and it is a symbolism whose deeper meaning and importance throws others off, especially the likes of …

"Those voting for Hillary Clinton, defending Clinton and supporting Clinton without reading the information reported by WikiLeaks are intellectually no different than those who criticize climate science without ever having read the science"

US voters have been given a rare, even unprecedented opportunity to look at the machinery inside an electoral campaign and a foundation, as presented by the insiders themselves. Being afforded this…
This is an idiosyncratic selection of what I consider to be some of the most important reports and documentaries released during the 2016 US presidential election campaign, with direct reference to…

"Enemies of the people" as the original front page headline, was actually a sober, realistic assessment:

The Lord Chief Justice and two senior colleagues were accused of putting Britain on course for a full-blown 'constitutional crisis' by saying Brexit could not be triggered without a Westminster vote.
With the Wikileaks release of thousands of emails belonging to John Podesta, very little is known in US society about Podesta himself. While he’s maintained ...
The Clinton Foundation operated “more like a political operation” than a traditional charity, a lawyer warned in a memo marked “confidential” in 2008. Bruce Lindsey, chairman of the foundation’s board of directors, sent the memo — an earlier draft of the final report — to Clinton family consiglieri…

"Perhaps the most notorious freebie flights were when Clinton flew 26 times on the private jet owned by sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. His aircraft, dubbed the 'Lolita Express,' was supposed to be equipped with a bed for sex with underage girls. On at least five occasions, Clinton dumped his Secret Service detail for the flights"

Ira Magaziner, the CEO of the Clinton Health Access Initiative, asked former President Bill Clinton to thank Morocco's King Mohammed VI for "offering his plane to the conference in Ethiopia." "CHAI

Here the State Department is also confirming that Qatar's gift to the Clintons, while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, was not disclosed and subjected to review.

The Clinton Foundation has confirmed it accepted a $1 million gift from Qatar while Hillary Clinton was US secretary of state without informing the State Department, even though she had promised to let the agency review new or significantly increased support from foreign governments.
An honest journalist holds all sides to the same standard of criticism, no matter what his or her own views.

Loretta Lynch's role has been to deliberately obstruct the FBI's investigation into Clinton's corruption:

The Wall Street Journal’s report that, for over a year, the FBI has been investigating the Clinton Foundation for potential financial crimes and influence peddling is, as Rich Lowry said Monday, a blockbuster. As I argued over the weekend, the manner in which the State Department was put in the serv...
What is the real aim of all the Clintons’ lying, cheating, criminality, dishonor, and degradation? Is there anything they won’t stoop to?
Peter Thiel addresses the National Press Club on Monday, October 31st: PETER THIEL: No matter what happens in this election, what Trump represents isn't crazy and it's not going away. He points toward a new Republican Party beyond the dogmas of Reaganism. He points even beyond the remaking of one pa...

Psychosis masquerading as feminism, used for partisan purposes--thanks to "prestigious" Berkeley:

'It's not about emails; it's about public communication by a woman’
Topics covered: Imperialism, neoliberalism, critiques of "humanitarian interventionism," neocolonial politics. See:
"Facebook, Google, Apple, coordinating with the #HillaryClinton campaign: via #PodestaEmails10"
""Trump’s Historic Speech Denouncing International Finance, Globalism and the Media":"
"The final Senate Report on Benghazi corrects/clarifies a lot of prior speculation, including the idea that members of the Green resistance might have targeted the US ambassador. Instead, it seems that members of the former government came to the rescue of US personnel and helped to evacuate them. The item below is an image based on extracts from Part 1 of the report, pages 143-146, which you can find here:

The image can be seen on its own at the link below, where it can be magnified for easier reading:"
"This may help or not, since the debate recurs. However, note that under "legislation" for the chart, in Clinton's case this means work to achieve international legal support for intervention in Libya, such as at the UN. In Sanders' case, it means a motion in the Senate."
"I recently remembered, now that the subject has been made relevant again, that there was a paragraph on Donald Trump and Indigenous identity in my volume from 2013, Who Is an Indian:"
"This week we have seen the first real political defeat of the neoconservatives on the Republican side, best represented by the Bush dynasty (and their explicit rejection of Trump). Next in line, the neoliberal humanitarian interventionist, posing as concerned social justice activist:"

"What most writers have already understood—and at least this point is not in dispute—is that the whole rush by foreign powers to create a puppet government is to legitimate a rush to war in Libya. Western powers, working through the UN, not only want a superficially unified Libya so that they can bomb it, they also want the powers that be to recognize their replacements. That such unvarnished arrogance should pass with so little comment outside of Libya is a disturbing testament to our own numb acquiescence to imperialism.""
"#Libya #Feb17: a day of mourning"
It's as if "Planet of the Apes" scripted the logic of US foreign policy, where a new round of force is seen as the necessary solution to the mess caused by the previous round of force."
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