Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

Other Image&Sound Collections


  • Number: 5.050 buttons (as of 1.9.2006)
  • Format: Buttons, pins, cuff links, badges
  • Access: All buttons are accessible through the catalogue. Search for 'button' plus country, artist, organisation, person, or subject.
  • Consultation: Available for exhibitions only. Originals can be consulted in the reading room by previous arrangement.
  • Reproductions: High resolution scans can be ordered - see rates.


  • Number: 784 paintings (as of 1.1.2003)
  • Format: Paintings, framed drawings and prints
  • Access: Paintings are accessible through the catalogue. Search for 'painting' plus artist, organisation, person, or subject.
  • Consultation: Available for exhibitions only. Originals can be consulted in the reading room by previous arrangement.
  • Reproductions: High resolution scans can be ordered - see rates.

Works of members of the Association pour la Conservation des Valeurs Culturelles Russes, of Marie de Roode-Heijermans, J.G. van Caspel (portrait Henri Polak, 1912), Chris Lebeau (portraits F. Adler and K. Radek, 1922), Max Lieberman (portrait Kautsky, 1919), Opland (huge painting of J. den Uyl 1973), portraits of F. Domela Nieuwenhuis and parents, framed pictograms by Gerd Arntz.


    * Number: 752 calendars (as of 1.1.2003)
    * Format: Calendar with spiral binding, block-calendar
    * Access: Calendars are accessible through the catalogue.
    * Consultation: Available for exhibitions only. Originals can be consulted in the reading room by previous arrangement.
    * Reproductions: High resolution scans can be ordered - see rates.

Small printed matter

  • Number: 12.821 items (as of 1.1.2003)
  • Format: Stickers, picture postcards, ex-libris, admission tickets, stamps
  • Access: Small printed matter is accessible through the catalogue. Search for the material plus artist, organisation, person, or subject.
  • Consultation: Available for exhibitions only. Originals can be consulted in the reading room by previous arrangement.
  • Reproductions: High resolution scans can be ordered - see rates.

Historical maps

  • Number: Ca. 100 items (as of 1.1.2003)
  • Format: Maps
  • Access: Descriptions are not available
  • Consultation: Available for exhibitions only. Originals can be consulted in the reading room by previous arrangement.
  • Reproductions: High resolution scans can be ordered - see rates.