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Met: Simone Kukenheim, Leo Lucassen en Nadia MoussaidHet Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis en de HITB (Turkse Arbeidersvereniging in Nederland) organiseren op 14 december een... [Event]
Official Transfer of the Doğan Özgüden Collection. Doğan Özgüden is a Turkish journalist.In the 50s and 60s, Doğan Özgüden was a renowned left-wing journalist in Turkey, always fighting for freedom... [Event]
Een tentoonstelling in het kader van 400 jaar handelsbetrekkingen met Turkije.Hoe leggen politiek tekenaars verslag van het nieuws in Nederland en Turkije? Dat ontdek je tijdens een bezoek aan de... [Event]
For the last fifteen years the Workshop on Armenian Turkish Scholarship (WATS) has been the main forum where Turkish, Armenian and other historians conduct an informed debate about the destruction of... [Event]
Following the Amsterdam conference by Armenian and Turkish scholars (WATS), the NIOD institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies and the International Institute for Social History (IISH) will... [Event]
Op 23 december 2004 werd het boek Lied uit den Vreemde - Gurbet türküsü. Brieven en foto's van Turkse migranten 1964-1975 gepresenteerd naar aanleiding van de veertigste verjaardag van het... [Event]
The Triumphs and Travails of Authoritarian Modernisation in Turkey and IranTwentieth-Century History from Below  The practice of authoritarian modernisation in post-First World War Turkey and Iran... [Event]
In 2002 the 100th birthday of Nazım Hikmet (Ran), one of the greatest Turkish poets of the twentieth century was celebrated. His birthday was not only celebrated in his native Turkey with many radio... [Image gallery]
On 19 August  1964 Turkey and the Netherlands signed a formal treaty. From then on Dutch companies could recruit temporary workers in Turkey – until the "oil crisis" ten years later made an end to... [Image gallery]
Since it was begun in 1987, the Turkish Desk has developed into one of the most important research centers worldwide on the history of modern Turkey.The Turkish Desk covers the Turkish Republic and... [Collection guide]
