Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

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Photos by Frits EisenloeffelIn November-December 1980, Frits Eisenloeffel visited  the border region of Sudan/Eritrea where he photographed the Eritrean refugees who had fled from an Ethiopian... [Image gallery]
Hizb al-Shuyu'i al-Sudani Collection (1970-2003)The IISH recently received a new collection regarding Sudan: papers from the Communist Party of Sudan CPS, Cairo Department, 1970-2003, and papers of... [Collection highlight]
Sudan underwent three coups after the Second World War. The military coup of June 30 1989, led by Umar al-Bashir, took an Islamic turn. The Communist Party of Sudan (Al-Hizb al-Shuyuci al-Sudani),... [Item of the Day]