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The top ten signs your kitchen is dated

Last Updated Sep 27, 2016 · Written by


The once cosy layout that is now cluttered and claustrophobic. The teeny tiny laminate splashback that now looks silly compared to its taller, sleeker contemporary. Or the standard small taps that are…well…standard and small.

Kitchens have come a long way in the last decade. Heck, even in the last year! But there’s a risk in latching on to the latest trend, since it might be so out of vogue next season. The trick? Creating a timeless space that sees you through the decades without dating.

So how do you know if your kitchen is dated or simply classic? Here are 10 things to spot:

1 Small splashback

Do you remember when splashbacks first hit the scene? Weren’t they sweet the way they only went 10cm up the wall, and the way we only saw them as a way to guard the walls from water or food?

Today, those oldies look way too modest. Older splashbacks get an upgrade in kitchen renovations, stretching from counter to cabinet – or even ceiling, preferably in a tile that’s classic in both colour and pattern.

2 Phone nook

Not many of us still have a landline phone in the kitchen. And so the need for a nook to hand it – and hold an address book – are behind us. Add to that a built-in area for holding kitchen foil and wrap. Today’s kitchen has a clever charging station for digital devices, without sacrificing too much bench or wall space – and keeping cords hidden away.

3 Eighties ornate

Ah, the eighties. Not exactly the height of sophistication or style. And so, an 80s kitchen is a tell-tale of a bygone era we’re probably all happy to forget. The all-wood finish, those carved wood doors and archways. Not to mention big, ugly beige floor tiles and kitschy tea cosies and sugar bowls. If you’re doing an upgrade, stick to a more neutral and streamlined style.

4 Wood cabinetry

While we’re on the subject of 80s kitchens, let’s reminisce about those gorgeous oak or wood paneled cabinets. OK, let’s not. They stand out like dog’s legs these days, and look chunky and dreary. Lighten things up and zap your kitchen into a new era by simply painting over the cabinets in white or another neutral hue – or replace them entirely.

5 Appliance holders

It’s true that the contemporary kitchen has clever hide-aways for your microwave, toaster, and other appliances. But whereas before those nooks used to take up previous benchspace, today they are kept under the counter. So you can still easily access your appliances, and reclaim valuable workspace up top.

6 Busy layout

We used to love a cosy, cluttered kitchen. It seemed more homely to cram every cabinet and inch of benchspace with stuff. It wasn’t hard to do, given the actual kitchen layout used to be far smaller and more compact.

But the kitchen has been opened up since then. It’s all about a clear and functional space, incorporating the ever-loved working triangle. Keeping items out of sight. And adding bright lighting so you’re no longer cooking in the dark!

7 Ode to the range hood

It seems silly now, but we used to make the range hood king of the kitchen. Walk in and you’d be faced with a big shiny range in all its glory. But the king has been dethroned. And now, we’re liking sleeker, discreet range hoods. Still yet to denounce yours? Swap it for a translucent or less decorative model.

8 Hanging pots

Hanging pots and pans from the ceiling made us feel like a celebrity chef. But was it ever practical? Nope. It just made the ceiling appear lower and the kitchen more cramped. So take down the hooks and pop the pots and pans behind closed doors. You can add a clever draw insert to still keep them in easy reach.

9 Bright, colourful appliances

Did you ever go out and buy a matching set of racy red appliances? Or a bright purple toaster, kettle, and food processor? While we loved the vibrant splash of fun back in the day, stainless steel will never date – and will always be a favourite among interior designers. So if you need to replace your small appliances, look for stainless steel. Or if you dare to be (only a little bit) different, opt for a classic white.

10 Cheap laminate

We’re all for renovating on a budget. But a cheap laminate rarely stands the test of time. It ends up scratched, scorched, and dating your kitchen far too fast. Tiles with stained grout are also out. Renew your benchtops with a wooden butcher block, stainless steel, marble, granite, or quartz composite. Or if your budget is very limited, replace the old laminate with new. Literally, starting from scratch.

For any upgrades to your kitchen, your best starting point is to get quotes, so you can budget your kitchen improvements.

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