
The Likely News – One – 5th May 2017


5th May 2017 –

Glasgow City Chambers and the surrounding area has been cordoned off for reasons of public safety.

The drama began early this morning. After emerging victorious in the Council elections and winning control of Glasgow City Council, new SNP councillors entered the City Chambers and began to look at files previously unavailable to them relating to decisions and deals made by the city council over the last 60 years.


After the container which held the files was opened, a loud bang was heard, followed by otherwordly screams. Jim Murphy, 50, unemployed, was in George Square at the time and described the scene.

It was as if all the demons of hell* had been let loose and all the terrors of the past had come out to get us.

People fled the scene as cars swerved and there were collisions in the confusion.

As yet there is no footage from inside the City Chambers as the police are denying access, however, local artist Clip Part has provided a pair of sketches based on eyewitness accounts..



David Torrance was available for comment.

*(Hell does not actually exist)

Pro-Indy Parties In “‘Want You To Vote For Them’ Row”

Advanced silliness on the Scotsman site yesterday, with no named journalist.


A row has broken out in the pro-independence camp over a giant SNP billboard campaign urging voters to use both of their votes to protect Nicola Sturgeon’s majority at Holyrood.

But Greens elections convenor Sarah Beattie-Smith said: “Greens agree a better Scotland is possible but voters know to achieve this we’re going to need a bolder Holyrood. That’s why the momentum on the regional vote in this election is with the Greens.”

SNP campaign chief John Swinney said; “We are the only party with the strength, the unity and the vision to take Scotland forward.”

This piece is basically “we’re bored and have nothing, so let’s have an SNP bad swing and see if something sticks”.

Unfortunately, as you can see from the comments under the ‘article’, some people obviously do.

What it boils down to is that the SNP want you to vote for them, and the Greens would prefer you vote Green. This is apparently a row and presumably means that an independent Scotland would fail or something.

The Scottish Independence Podcast 119 – The JK (Withheld)ling Special


Hope you enjoy…

You can download here if you right click THIS LINK and “save as”

You can listen to the show online at its web page or you can subscribe with itunes. We can alse be found on youtube and on facebook too.

These podcasts are independently minded and independently funded, you can help to keep them going by making a donation.

Caption Competition Results

On twitter and facebook I put up this photo as a caption competition yesterday. Here are the results…


The best three from twitter are as follows…

splicing milkk evolFrom facebook, we have these three…

Alan Martin “and if we can train enough of these we won’t need workers at all”…

Stuart Watt ‘Research concludes Chimpanzees are too quick to trust’

And I have to say this was my own personal favourite…

Brian Kerr Wondering if you saw my son in Africa, as I don’t want to send the SAS to look for for the Eejit again.