
The Scottish Independence Podcast 137 – You Can’t Have Your Cake And Eat It

For the 137th episode of The Scottish Independence Podcast, I didn’t speak to anyone.

rock-and-a-hard-place-resized-600It is instead one of those episodes where I am bringing you a bit of an interview by and with someone else because I think it is of importance and should be heard.

That someone else happens to be Manfred Weber, head of the largest group in the European Parliament. When pressed on Brexit by BBC Hardtalk, he took a fairly strong line, best summed up by the title of this episode.

Whether you voted to leave or to remain, I think his comments are important to hear.

He also had a few words about Scotland and the levels of (dis)organisation and (lack of) direction being shown the UK government.

Hope you enjoy.

You can download here if you click THIS LINK .

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The More Things Change…

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So it’s going to be all change. A period of major turmoil is about to begin.

The pound has fallen dramatically, oil prices have gone up and markets are falling.

If this happens the way Farage, Gove etc want, “taking back control” and the “seismic change” people are talking about is going to involve stripping human and workers’ rights and lowering wages.

One important thing has not changed however.

That is that inside the UK, Scotland voted for one thing, England voted for another, and Scotland will have to suffer the consequences of what England voted for.

That hasn’t changed.

Finally, I can’t agree with calling Scotland being pulled out of EU against its will after being told they had to stay in the UK to stay in Europe “ironic”. It is only “ironic” if you consider being lied to and then kicked in the balls to be “ironic”.