The Scottish Independence Podcast

The Scottish Independence Podcast 139 – Billy Kay

dfVeu1g_.jpegDid you know that it isn’t only Scotland that has “the cringe”? They have it in other places too, it just goes by a different name.

For the 139th (sort of) episode of the Scottish Independence Podcast I spoke with Billy Kay, and the above is only one of the subjects we talked about.

Billy has for years been writing, broadcasting and producing material on Scottish Culture and Scots language, for the BBC and internationally, and is often to be seen giving talks around the country. He also currently has a show you can listen to on the iplayer… Scotland’s Black History.

I asked him to come on because he is one of the best qualified people to talk about the importance of building confidence in Scottish culture, and how that plays into the campaign for Scottish Indepence.

At the end of the episode there is also a little Robert-the-Brucie bonus, which regards this.

Hope you enjoy.

You can download here if you click THIS LINK .

You can listen online via the spreaker webpage, or you can subscribe with itunes. We can also be found on youtube and on facebook.

The Scottish Independence Podcast 138 – Unified Mandates

outsourcing-united-peopleThis new special short episode is either going to make you laugh or make you feel you’ve been dragged into a strange otherworld.

That’s all I’m saying.

Hope you enjoy.

You can download here if you click THIS LINK .

You can listen online viathe spreaker webpage, or you can subscribe with itunes. We can also be found on youtube and on facebook.



The Scottish Independence Podcast 137 – You Can’t Have Your Cake And Eat It

For the 137th episode of The Scottish Independence Podcast, I didn’t speak to anyone.

rock-and-a-hard-place-resized-600It is instead one of those episodes where I am bringing you a bit of an interview by and with someone else because I think it is of importance and should be heard.

That someone else happens to be Manfred Weber, head of the largest group in the European Parliament. When pressed on Brexit by BBC Hardtalk, he took a fairly strong line, best summed up by the title of this episode.

Whether you voted to leave or to remain, I think his comments are important to hear.

He also had a few words about Scotland and the levels of (dis)organisation and (lack of) direction being shown the UK government.

Hope you enjoy.

You can download here if you click THIS LINK .

You can listen online on the spreaker webpage, or you can subscribe with itunes. We can also be found on youtube and on facebook.

The Scottish Independence Podcast 136 – Robin McAlpine of The Common Weal

For the 136th episode of The Scottish Independence Podcast, I spoke with Robin McAlpine.


Robin is a political strategist and the Director of the Common Weal.

In the interview he doesn’t waste any time getting on to what the thinks Yes supporters ought to be getting on with, and there is certainly a lot to chew on in the interview.

We talked about both logistics and strategy and how they are both equally important. We also spoke of what messages we need to be sending out and how to react to the inevitable negative tactics we will face from the unionist side in the next referendum.

Hope you enjoy.

You can download here if you click THIS LINK .

You can listen online at the spreaker webpage, or you can subscribe with itunes. We can also be found on youtube and on facebook.



The Scottish Independence Podcast 135 – Richard Walker of The National

ogsit1adFor the 135th episode of The Scottish Independence Podcast, I spoke with Richard Walker.

Richard is now the consulting editor of The National, but was also involved in the formation of that paper and the decision made at the Sunday Herald to begin openly supporting Scottish independence.

We talked about those decisions and why they were made,and how The National has been getting on.

As well as that, we tried to get our heads around some of the unusual media appointments that have been made recently, and what could or should be done about the media in Scotland more generally.

4876083b471ff8eb10ab244e3a237015-1136946557And of course, I asked Richard why he supports Independence for Scotland.

Hope you enjoy.

You can download here if you right click THIS LINK and “save as”.

You can listen on the spreaker page, or you can subscribe with itunes. We can also be found on youtube and on facebook.



The Scottish Independence Podcast 134 – Dr Craig Dalzell on Scotland’s Currency Options

Gt1wRDr8.jpg largeFor the 134th episode of The Scottish Independence Podcast, I spoke with Dr Craig Dalzell.

Craig recently wrote a paper outlining the possible currency options for an independent Scotland. This is important work because an aspect of the Yes side that was much criticised during and after the 2014 referendum was the perceived lack of a strategy on what to do about currency. I say “perceived” because much of it came down to perception, not fact.

We talked about why the 2014 plan may or may not have been right at the time, but probably wouldn’t be the correct strategy for indyref 2.

Would the Euro work? Scottish Pound? A crypto-currency?

We also talked about what the hell a crypto-currency actually is.

And of course, I asked Craig why he supports Independence for Scotland.

Hope you enjoy.

You can download here if you right click THIS LINK

You can listen at the spreaker home page, or you can subscribe with itunes. We can also be found on youtube and on facebook.

The Scottish Independence Podcast 133 – Tommy Sheppard MP

52o9o9spmj11z9a70y6oeivprwsfjgThe next referendum will be won in the years from now forward, rather than the months running up to it.

For the 133rd episode of The Scottish Independence Podcast, I spoke with Tommy Sheppard, MP for Edinburgh East.

Tommy has been involved in politics in Scotland and the UK for a number of years in a number of different ways and as I’m sure you all know, is now standing to become the Deputy Leader of the SNP.

We talked about Tommy’s earlier political activities and how he arrived at where he is now. We also got on to what, if elected (or even if not), he would like to see change within the SNP.

Finally, as ever with a first-time guest, I asked Tommy why he personally supports Scottish Independence.

Hope you enjoy.

You can download here if you right click THIS LINK and “save as”

You can listen online at the spreaker site or you can subscribe with itunes. We can alse be found on youtube and on facebook too.