EU Referendum

The Scottish Independence Podcast 137 – You Can’t Have Your Cake And Eat It

For the 137th episode of The Scottish Independence Podcast, I didn’t speak to anyone.

rock-and-a-hard-place-resized-600It is instead one of those episodes where I am bringing you a bit of an interview by and with someone else because I think it is of importance and should be heard.

That someone else happens to be Manfred Weber, head of the largest group in the European Parliament. When pressed on Brexit by BBC Hardtalk, he took a fairly strong line, best summed up by the title of this episode.

Whether you voted to leave or to remain, I think his comments are important to hear.

He also had a few words about Scotland and the levels of (dis)organisation and (lack of) direction being shown the UK government.

Hope you enjoy.

You can download here if you click THIS LINK .

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The Scottish Independence Podcast 110 – EUr Left Hand In, EUr Left Hand Out

For the 110th episode of the Scottish Independence Podcast I spoke with Neil Davidson, an academic and writer, and Colin Fox, leader of the Scottish Socialist Party.

It’s a slightly different episode in that it is 2 discussions about the EU, both from a socialist perspective. motivator1228853One of the interviews makes the left wing case for leaving the EU, and the other makes the left wing case for staying in the EU.

These interviews were conducted a couple of months ago for the SSP podcast, who asked me to do a few interviews for them and I accepted (NB – as ever, the Scottish Independence Podcast is unaligned with any party or group and regular listeners will know we regularly feature SNP, SSP, Greens, Labour for Indy, Libdems for Indy and all sorts of unaligned people and independent groups).

The reason for doing these interviews is that in the coming months we are going to hear a lot about the merits and problems of the EU, but they are mostly going to come from rightwing persIMG-20150308-WA0028pectives – this is why it is important to start giving some perspectives from the other side of the argument early.  I suppose you could call it a bit of public service broadcasting, given that official public service broadcasters don’t seem to do that much of it anymore.

Hope you enjoy…

You can download here if you right click THIS LINK and “save as”

You can listen to the show online at its web page

Or you can subscribe with itunes

We can alse be found on youtube

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