

Hello there.

juraIndependent Independista. Not a member of any party.

I have been blogging, writing and podcasting for some time now. In the meantime I have had about a million jobs, some interesting, some shit.

At various times I have been a university tutor, a barman, a DJ (not a very good one) an office lackey, supermarket worker, president of a small charity, a researcher, a librarian and a few other things too tedious to mention.



  1. thanks rmj, i have been hoping you would turn up here at some point. i feel somehow vindicated now.

  2. I readed the great part of your posts. Really a great site. I added it to my Google Reader to see the updates. Keep the good work. I shall back here many times.

  3. Hi Micheal,
    I’m from Iran and I’m really glad that I’ve found your website. As I found you, it may be interesting for you to visit Iran and see what’s happening here! ( although our government sucks, but we have good people and many many intresting things to be found),, I’ll be happy to be in touch with some one like you, who can help me know my world better.I will spend more times here ,,Peace

  4. Hey you, i remember those headstones, i was with you when we took that picture, you had just hauled my ass up a mountain. God bless korea! hehe. x k

  5. Hi there i am rajesh shrestha from Nepal and right now i am doing my Masters in canda. Just surfing the net i found your cloud on Nepal category really u did a great job and thanks for all these. beside for the case of nepal if u want my help i will be really so happy to do that for u


  6. Aren’t the Red Pandas cute there?
    I went there last week.
    Nepal and Sikkim, I mean.

    Love your blog.

    PS: Do you work on snakes?
    If you do, can i have an informative paragraph about snake endangerment?


  7. Hi Lulu and thank you.

    Welcome to the site.

    And lucky you to be in Nepal. I would love to go back. Have you downloaded the book I wrote about it?

    It’s free, you can download it from the main page of the site.

  8. Dear Michael:

    I’m in the process of updating my website. It won’t be up again until end of this year.
    I’m a writer and the website is called: Writing For The New Consciousness. I saw your photo of the incredibly beautiful mountain scene and would like to use it on my home page. I too have been in and on those mountains. See my article in:


    Would you allow me to use your photo, and if so would you charge me? Of course, I would give you credit. Please let me know soon. Thanks.

    Susan Scharfman

  9. Thanks for replying Michael. I sent you an email reply and forgot to ask the name of the mountain. I attached the photo.


  10. im nepalese princess, you are beautiful would you want to be king of my cassel?sorry for my directness i need good breed for mai dinasty i luv you.

    1. Sorry Shruti. You have me mixed up with someone else. There was a time when I was beautiful, and I used to breed too. I’m sure one day your prince will come. susan

  11. L.O.V.E.you Michael Greenwell!I’m putting you as my chidhood idol who I’m waiting come back for my life&help me to save poor children.You can made MY WORLD BETTER. I’m changing myself to try CHANGE & HEAL THE WORLD together you & your ideas. THIS IS IT It’s all for L.O.V.E. Sorry by words, it’s only a disentangle so I’m sad & alone here! I will travel to NEPAL through your photos & words. Can I go?
    Your work here is wonderful, thanks for heard me,and PEACE&TRANQUILITY at Korea,Nepal,Glasgow or anywhere you are! I WANT SAVE,CHANGE & HEAL THE WORLD NOW together you & friends.
    Gina Jackson
    PS: I love yr glasses, always presents!

  12. Hey Michael Greenwell, this is Michael Greenwell the US Version…we have so much in common…such a trip…the universe is a funny place.


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