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  1. Tweet épinglé
    17 mars
  2. il y a 12 heures
  3. a retweeté
    il y a 21 heures

    Tories can't be trusted. Confirmation they'll give away Scots fishing grounds even though this is devolved area.

  4. a retweeté
    28 juil.

    Penny dropped yet, Aberdeen?

  5. a retweeté
    il y a 12 heures

    Lesley Riddoch: Prison reform - How Scotland can succeed by taking a different path (From The National)

  6. a retweeté
    il y a 14 heures
    En réponse à

    Foodbanks are like help for heroes. Relying on charity to fund crucial responsibilities the government have simply shirked.

  7. a retweeté
    il y a 24 heures

    Govt squeezed £5bn out of older women & 'substanitally' increased poverty rates by delaying pensions, study reveals

  8. a retweeté
    il y a 14 heures
    En réponse à

    Aye aye very amusing. The place I bought it from shit a brick cos some fucker (who can't drink) is getting my wine one 😂😂😂

  9. a retweeté
    il y a 13 heures
    En réponse à

    It's sooooo far from what I ordered 😂😂😂😂 when I opened it I was like "errrr..... holy fuck 😂😂😂 someone's gonna be pissed with my wine sign"😂

  10. a retweeté
    il y a 15 heures

    eBay fail... when you order a wine sign and get whatever the other thing is instead this is my life

  11. a retweeté
    il y a 17 heures

    Hywind Scotland: a glimpse into the world's first floating wind farm - Business Insider

  12. a retweeté
    il y a 24 heures

    On this day in 1914, Germany declared war on France. Once we fought now we talk! This is why I am proud to be European!

  13. a retweeté
    il y a 20 heures

    Anyone who voted to leave the EU over fishing has every right to feel betrayed and angry. And it hasn't started yet.

  14. a retweeté
    2 août

    - BBC dedicated a lot of licence fee money to trash Michelle Thomson. This story 👇 Not a dickie. Not a dime.

  15. a retweeté
    2 août
    En réponse à

    Looks like we’ve already reached Brexit Justification Level 5.

  16. a retweeté
    il y a 16 heures

    This is what the single market and customs union actually are – and here’s what will happen to Brexit if we leave

  17. a retweeté
    2 août

    There is only one question: Should Scotland be an independent country? Not 70 questions on what type of society you want.

  18. a retweeté
    2 août

    The Edinburgh Fringe, has done it again!

  19. il y a 13 heures
  20. a retweeté
    il y a 15 heures

    Britain is still a world-beater at one thing: ripping off its own citizens | Aditya Chakrabortty

  21. a retweeté
    1 août

    I was very sceptical of the "Misreporting Scotland" billboards months ago, but seeing this - the BBC can get in the sea.

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