Magical Girl Razing Project

it does not look good for Princess Tutu

Magical Girl Raising Project is a popular social game that has an ability to grant players a 1 in 10,000 chance to become a real life Magical Girl with unique magical abilities to help people. However, at some point, Fav, the magical administrator fairy, decides to cut the population of Magical Girls in half. The game quickly changes into a twisted, wicked battlefield as the 16 magical girls get dragged into a battle for survival against each other.

The magical girl genre, with its magical creatures handing out superpowers to elementary or middle school girls in order for them to fight some ill defined evil, is of course ripe for deconstruction, showing the dark reality behind the fantasy. It had its Watchmen back in 2011 in the shape of Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica and there have been a few shows following in its footsteps. Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku seems to be one of them, but I secretly hope it’ll be more optimistic than its marketing shows it to be, as with very few exceptions, grim and gritty magical girls just don’t work for me. It’s too easy, too boring to be cynical about them.

When nobody else is into your hobby

What gives me hope is that the first episode takes care to not just set up our heroine, Himekawa Koyuki, is not just a magical girl true believer, but also to show that she’s slightly too old for it, that normal girls her age don’t watch those shows, without making her into some otaku. There isn’t so much geek pride that she alone kept the faith, more a bit of sadness that she doesn’t have anybody to share her love with. This could all be a setup to make the almost inevitable pulling the rug out from under her even more painful, but I feel the show is too sincere and insistent on this point for it to be only that. It would be tawdry and boring if all of Himekawa’s deep love for magic girls would be revealed as naive and an illusion. Not that I mind that the story will get dark, as promised in the pre-opening scene, as long as it’s smart about it and not just relentlessly negative but allows for a spot of hope as well.

Magical Girl Raising Project eye catch

in any case, this episode is all about establishing Himekawa as a fan of magical girl shows, the Magical Girl Raising Project game itself and of course her transformation into a real magical girl, halfway through. The rest of the episode follows her as she takes her first steps as a a magical girl and her meeting with the other magical girls in her town. There’s a lot of exposition, but it’s smartly done, through conversation between Himakawa and her friends that feels natural rather than an “as you know, Bob” speech. What I really liked was the action montage of Himakawa’s first heroic deeds: getting a kitten out of a tree, helping an old lady cross the road, freeing a car stuck in a rut and returning lost house keys to a girl frantically looking for them.

Guys can be magical girls too

There’s one thing I liked even more about this episode and that’s the revelation that La Pucelle, an older magical girl, is in fact her (male) childhood friend Kishibe Souta and who like her kept liking magical girls long after he was supposed to grow out of them. Worse, as a boy he was never supposed to like them in the first place and now he’s in middle school he would be called a pervert if anybody discovers he still watches magical girl shows — let’s not even think about fortytwo year old grown men. I’m not sure if you could call Souta a trans character, but there’s at least a hint of the genderqueer in the way his/her transformation is treated; unlike say how Ore Twintail ni Narimasu handled a similar transformation, mainly as a joke. I just hope that La Pucelle isn’t the obvious first victim that they currently look to be. All in all I’m cautiously optimistic about this series amd having a genderqueer character like this is a big part of it.

Izetta: witches and boomsticks

Izetta: Not-Germany attacking not-Poland

The time is pre World War II that looks like Europe in an imaginary world. A large scale war abrupts and bloody battles are taking place through out the world. Eylstadt is a small country without a strong military force or natural resources. Finé who is the crown queen of Eylstadt decides to use a secret weapon against larger countries which was unheard of at that time to battle against larger countries. The secret weapon was using a witch named Izetta and her magical force to fight the war. Izetta is young (same age as Finé) and the last surviving witch with burning red hair.

I’d expected something more along the lines of the Valkyria Chronicles from that description, where any similarity to the real World War II is quickly abandoned, but it turns out Shuumatsu no Izetta just changed the names of the countries somewhat, has its not-nazis go “sieg reich” rather than heil and called it a day. Even Eylstadt is basically only an enlarged Liechtenstein. So far the series seems to track real history close enough that reskinning the countries as Germania, Thermidor, Brittannia etc seems pointless, but of course it’s only the first episode. There’s also less scope for causing offence this way as frex your not-Stukas now don’t have to be painted with swastikas.

Izetta: obligatory fight on the roof of a moving train

The first episode opens with the princess and her escort fleeing from the not-nazi soldiers searching the train they’re taking into not-Switzerland, as she is on her way to see the not-British ambassador to get support from the allies against not-Germany’s threat. They of course end up on the roof, trade shots with the soldiers, then climb into a luggage car where they stumble across a strange device. A second gun battle occurs, one of her escort is fatally shot and they jump out of the train into a river. It’s an action sequence familiar from hundreds of adventure and WWII spy movies, well executed and showing off princess Finé character. She’s not slow to take the lead in organising her own escape. We also get a bit of exposition by way of the two not-Gestapo officers also onboard the train discussing the princess and the legend of the Weisse Hexe — the White Witch — of Eylstadt.

Izetta: pointless shower scene

The second half of the episode sees the show’s writers having reached deep into the anime fanservice cliche playbook, as we see the princess having a shower of despair, mourning the death of her escort. It’s short and doesn’t really add anything. Perhaps the idea was to show off her scars, but to be honest I never noticed them when first watching the episode. There were better ways to have handled that. If we’d gone straight from the shot of her bodyguard sitting outside the room looking down to Finé stepping out of the shower and giving herself a pep talk, nobody would’ve missed the shower scene. Her scars could’ve been shown while she’s doing so (and indeed, we see them again when she’s drying her hair and talking to her bodyguard through the door). It’s not just that this scene is unnecessary and prurient, it also makes you skeptical about other directional choices made elsewhere in the episode. Such as why when the witch finally appears, she’s wearing only a white shift and nothing else.

Izetta: witch to the rescue

Which is a bit sad, because it’s such a great scene, as the re-awakened witch saves princess Finé from captivity by exploding the plane she’s on in mid-flight, grabbing what looks like an mg-34 machine gun and turning a boomstick into a broomstick to chase the falling princess down with. It’s clear from the hints in this first episode that princess and witch share a history and are at the very least good friends. So far, apart from the fanservice hiccup this was a great episode, full of things that tick my boxes: resourceful heroine, semi-historical spy thriller setting, gorgeously depicted setting, a bit of witchcraft and a hint of a romance between the witch and the princess. Hopefully the series can keep up this good performance and doesn’t let fanservice spoil it.

This is perfect but do I want a full adaption?

"Ancillary Justice" book trailer from bironic on Vimeo.

A pitch perfect book trailer for Ancillary Justice, done by the same person who did the wonderful Starships video. It’s uncanny how the video manages to capture the setting and story using only pre-existing sources. This got my imagination firing on how good a real movie or television series adaptation might look and yet. And yet… One of the things that sets Ancillary Justice apart is its use of pronouns and how we see the world through Breq’s eyes only, who is either unwilling or unable to make gender distinctions. Doing the same in a visual medium is much harder; the effect will be lost if we’re seeing actors who are “clearly male” or “clearly female” and they can’t all be Tilda Swinton. It would be a very different experience and one that needs lot of care and attention to get it right. I’m not sure anybody could do it right.

Friday Funnies: Keijo!!!!!!!!

Keijo!!!!!!!! gets a lot more absurd than this

As you may be able to tell from the panels above, Keijo!!!!!!!! can be described in one word: stupid. It takes the standard conventions of the sports manga and applies it to a “sport” that consists of girls in swimsuits trying to push each other off wobbly platforms floating in swimming pools, using only their butts or breasts. Purely an excuse to draw pretty women’s asses? Not quite. What saves this from just being wank fodder is that the mangaka, Sorayomi Daichi, takes the sport absolutely seriously while still being aware of how silly it is; Daichi is also very good at thinking up inventive new techniques or combos, in the best tradition of bullshit sports manga powers. Everybody has their own breast or butt focused superpower, which the onlookers breathlessly explain and the heroine has to counter.

Keijo!!!!!!!! unlimited ass works

To give but one example, the girl above here has the very special power of being able to copy any of the other player’s abilities just by fondling their asses, activating them by remembering how they felt: unlimited ass works. It’s gloriously dumb and the author pulls out one example after the other in each new chapter and that for at least ninety chapters, that being as far as the scanlations have gotten. I won’t pretend that this is anything other than dumb entertainment, following a storyline that you can find in dozens of other, better (pretend) sports manga, but what I like about it is that it’s innovative, honest and open in its fanservice and not demeaning to its characters — what also helps is that these are actual adults, rather than the usual high school girls. Not perhaps a series to be proud of that you read it, but certainly a cut above the usual harem fanservice nonsense. And yes, of course it will get an anime.