- published: 30 Jan 2017
- views: 27317
A parking lot (Australian and British English: car park), also known as a car lot, is a cleared area that is intended for parking vehicles. Usually, the term refers to a dedicated area that has been provided with a durable or semi-durable surface. In most countries where cars are the dominant mode of transportation, parking lots are a feature of every city and suburban area. Shopping malls, sports stadiums, megachurches and similar venues often feature parking lots of immense area. The term "parking lot" is an abbreviation of the term "parking lottery", due to the difficulty in finding spaces.
Parking lots tend to be sources of water pollution because of their extensive impervious surfaces. Most existing lots have limited or no facilities to control runoff. Many areas today also require minimum landscaping in parking lots, which means that their paved surfaces contribute to heat islands. Many municipalities require a minimum number of parking spaces, depending on the floor area in a store or the number of bedrooms in an apartment complex. In the United States, each state's Department of Transportation sets the proper ratio for disabled spaces for private business and public parking lots. Various forms of technology are used to charge motorists for the use of a parking lot. Modern parking lots use a variety of technologies to help motorists find unoccupied parking spaces, retrieve their vehicles, and improve their experience.
Data (/ˈdeɪtə/ DAY-tə, /ˈdætə/ DA-tə, or /ˈdɑːtə/ DAH-tə) is a set of values of qualitative or quantitative variables; restated, pieces of data are individual pieces of information. Data is measured, collected and reported, and analyzed, whereupon it can be visualized using graphs or images. Data as a general concept refers to the fact that some existing information or knowledge is represented or coded in some form suitable for better usage or processing.
Raw data, i.e. unprocessed data, is a collection of numbers, characters; data processing commonly occurs by stages, and the "processed data" from one stage may be considered the "raw data" of the next. Field data is raw data that is collected in an uncontrolled in situ environment. Experimental data is data that is generated within the context of a scientific investigation by observation and recording.
The Latin word "data" is the plural of "datum", and still may be used as a plural noun in this sense. Nowadays, though, "data" is most commonly used in the singular, as a mass noun (like "information", "sand" or "rain").
Radical 'related to roots', may refer to:
In chemistry:
In mathematics:
Lot or lots may refer to:
LOT may refer to:
LOTS may refer to:
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Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump face off in the last debate of the 2016 election cycle. Join us to watch the full debate, and don't miss our analysis from Mark Shields, David Brooks and Amy Walter. For more on the 2016 race visit http://www.pbs.org/newshour Subscribe to the PBS NewsHour on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/pbsnewshour
http://www.ted.com 20 years ago, Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web. For his next project, he's building a web for open, linked data that could do for numbers what the Web did for words, pictures, video: unlock our data and reframe the way we use it together. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, development and the arts. Watch the Top 10 TEDTalks on TED.com, at http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/top10 Follow us on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/tednews Checkout our Facebook page for TED exclusives https://www.fac...
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Thorium is an abundant material which can be transformed into massive quantities of energy. To do so efficiently, requires a very different nuclear reactor than the kind we use today- Not one that uses solid fuel rods, but a reactor in which the fuel is kept in a liquid state. Not one that uses pressurized water as a coolant, but a reactor that uses chemically stable molten salts. Such a reactor is called a "Molten Salt Reactor". Many different configurations are possible. Some of these configurations can harness Thorium very efficiently. If you have ever heard the word THORIUM before now, that is because NASA paid $10,000 to have MSR research documents scanned. NASA needs power for space missions, but current nuclear reactors are ill-suited for off-world application. This video explore...
Si te gustó la película, ayudanos a construir Reevo, una Red de Educación Alternativa. Ingresa ahora a: http://blog.reevo.org "La Educación Prohibida", Estreno Mundial 13 de Agosto del 2012 Sitio Web Oficial: http://www.educacionprohibida.com Se permite y alienta la copia, modificación, adaptación, traducción y exhibición pública de esta película, siempre que no existan fines de lucro y se mantengan estas mismas condiciones. Copyleft 2012. La cultura se protege compartiéndola. Licencia: Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 3.0 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/laeducacionprohibida Twitter: @EdProhibida / #YoViLep Sinopsis: La escuela ha cumplido ya más de 200 años de existencia y es aun considerada la principal forma de acceso a la educación. Hoy en día, la ...
Sinópse: Na manhã de 11 de setembro de 2001, os irmãos franceses Jules e Gedeon Naudet estavam realizando um filme documentário sobre um bombeiro principiante, em Nova York. Ouvindo um rugido no céu, Jules virou sua câmera com o foco no avião, no exato momento de registrar a única imagem existente da primeira aeronave colidindo com o World Trade Center. Por um mero acaso os documentaristas Jules e Gedeon tornaram-se testemunhas oculares do mais chocante e decisivo acontecimento de nosso tempo. Os irmãos Naudet seguiram os bombeiros no coração do assim chamado Ground Zero. O resultado foi um valoroso registro que entrará para a história mundial. Essa película é um tributo aos heróis da vida real, que naquele episódio demonstraram coragem e solidariedade. Além de uma doação inicial de US$ 10...
Small U.S. cities with access to affordable housing and manufacturing jobs are quietly receiving the bulk of Obama’s invading Islamic Jihad Army. Stretching unsuspecting local city budgets to the breaking point. Bold statement? Yesterday on The Alex Jones Show retired DHS officer and whistleblower Philip Haney explained why radical Islamic terrorists are falling through the cracks despite unprecedented government data-gathering. Some targeted American cities are already being pushed over the edge. For example, Amarillo, Texas “ known as the Yellow Rose of Texas” one of the largest meat packing cities in the United States, home to the V-22 Osprey hybrid aircraft assembly plant, Food giant Cargill, and also home to Pantex, the only nuclear weapons assembly and disassembly plant in the Unit...
It doesn’t surprise you
that it’s five in the morning
that you said your goodbyes last night
made sure that you got it right
the first door to your left
takes you outside
it’s just a parking lot
it’s not the great divide
but it’s taking you all you’ve got
to reach the other side
you pass by a woman
with two perfect children
maybe that’s what you want to be
a piece of the family tree
but every 4th of July
you wind up alone
no nuclear alarm
no parting of the sea
just quietly desperate charm
you’ll work on anyone you see
This is the last time
you’ll suffer the lonely parade
This is the last time
you’ll believe in the promises made
the promises made
If the winter was discontent
well this summer is ripe for war
you get back on your horse and ride
until she can’t run no more
and you wake up one day
with all you need
it’s not Park Avenue
no first class passage home
but the colors that trail behind you
are yours alone
and this is the last time